Final report of a planning process for the Academic Image
Exchange (now the Academic Image Cooperative) Prototype. A
digital image resource for students, teachers, and scholars of
The History of Art and related disciplines
Based on a document submitted to The Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation on 20 August 2000 on behalf of the project Executive
D Greenstein
30 October 2000
Table of Contents
- Executive summary
- Origin. The Academic Image
- Evolution. The Academic Image
- Next steps
- Statement of expenditure (intentionally omitted here)
- Appendices
1. Executive summary
This document reports on a planning process for the Academic
Image Exchange (AIE) Prototype - a process intended to develop a
scaleable database of curriculum-based digital images to be used
for teaching the history of art. In the course of the planning
process, the project changed its name (to the Academic Image
Cooperative or AIC - a name used throughout this documentation
for consistency), constructed the prototype, and created a
framework for a service capable of launching and sustaining an
unparalleled and comprehensive scholarly resource that will
promote innovation in research, learning, and teaching in the
history of art and other arts and humanities disciplines that
depend fundamentally upon the use of visual resources as
The planning process is still in train. With support from the
Digital Library Federation, the AIC continues to assemble the
remaining operational details that are required to launch a fully
operational image service. Details are available below in Section
4, Next steps. This report is therefore a snapshot of ongoing
activity. As such, it takes pains to distinguish between the work
that has been completed and that which is still underway.
2. Origin. The Academic
Image Exchange
As originally envisaged, the AIC was intended as a
web-accessible database of public domain and copyright cleared
visual image resources distributed freely or at the lowest
possible price compatible with creation of an ongoing service,
for bona fide educational use.
2.1. AIC Collection
The collection includes image resources that make up the
"concordance core" - defined as the roughly 2,300 art historical
objects represented in two or more of the ten leading art
historical text books - and is intended principally to support
teaching art history survey courses. Collection building was
intended as a community exercise. Visual resource professionals
and art historians, the hypothesis ran possess images in the
public domain or which they hold copyright (many such individuals
are themselves exceptional photographers). Further, initial
soundings among members of relevant professional communities
indicated a willingness to contribute images to a community
resource that promised to serve a common educational good.
- Achievement: The AIC has assembled a concordance for
the ten leading textbooks with brief information about the art
historical works that appear in two or more texts (including
descriptions of the works as well as their location within
- Achievement: The AIC has assembled a collection of
about 2,000 TIFF images that relate meaningfully to the
concordance core. At present, approximately 800 precisely
matching the concordance core, have been processed by Yale
University to AIC standards.
- Achievement: Brief descriptive records are available
for all 2,000 of the TIFF images and indeed, for all works within
the concordance core.
- In process: The remaining 1,200 TIFF images in
possession of the AIC are being processed at the University of
Michigan, The entire corpus should be in fully processed form by
January 2001.
- In process: Full descriptive records (conforming to
the Core Categories as recommended by the Visual Resource
Assocation - VRA
Core, version 3.0) are being developed for the 2,000 TIFF
images in the possession of the AIC and for works in the entire
concordance core. Full records will be available early in
2.2. AIC prototype system
Developing the functional equivalent of the traditional slide
library and making this functionality available via the web to
individuals and institutions with access to only standard
web-browsing software was a further aim. The prototype was
intended, for example, to support via most web-browsers a range
of basic search and retrieval functions as well as image
sequencing and side-by-side views as essential to their
presentation for teaching and learning purposes. It was also
intended to allow the user to navigate images with references to
the hierarchy of art historical works as represented in the
source textbooks.
- Achievement: The AIC developed an entity model to
support its intended features. This entity model is available in
Appendix B.
- Achievement : The AIC developed a prototype supplying
the functionality discussed above. Appendix C uses screen dumps
to introduce the prototype and its features.
- In process: The AIC is developing a metadata model
that conforms to the Core Categories recommended by the Visual
Resources Association in the recently published version 3.0. The
model will be available by the end of November 2000.
2.3. Community building
Regular expert assessment and evaluation was an inherent part of
the planning, system design, collection building, and business
planning. The AIC has been steered by an Executive Committee and
guided by informal advisory and technical groups. The groups
included representatives of key user communities (art historians,
visual resource professionals, scholarly organizations,
universities, colleges, independent scholars, etc.). In addition,
the planning process was punctuated by expert workshops convened
to review progress and shape developmental trajectories and
priorities. The prototype itself was demonstrated at key
professional meetings whose participants were invited through
question-and-answer sessions, exhibitor demonstrations, and
personal follow-up correspondence to reflect on various aspects
of the prototype and its aims. Finally, the AIC has maintained a
web site through the DLF (
where information about it and the text of a printed promotional
flyer ( (
are made available and kept up to date. Appendix D supplies the names and
institutional affiliations of those who have participated on the
Executive Committee and the advisory and technical groups. It
also lists expert workshops (with pointers to supporting
documentation) and public presentations.
- Achievement: The AIC has developed a community of
professionals that take a deep and meaningful interest in and
help inform and review its activities. That community continues
to inform the AIC's further development.
- Achievement: The AIC has secured the ongoing
sponsorship of the College Art Association, the principal
professional organization of artists and art historians. CAA also
plays a significant advocacy role in the public policy arena,
having played an activist role in discussions of copyright and
digital images. CAA is itself a scholarly publisher with close
ties to trade and university publishers in the art history field,
and has facilitated discussions between these publishers and the
- Achievement: The AIC has secured expressions of
support from the Visual Resources Association, whose membership
is crucial to the AIC's success.
3. Evolution. The
Academic Image Cooperative
As of February 2000 the AIC met all its original objectives.
It then exceeded them as it turned attention in March 2000 to
defining and documenting the policies, practices, and business
strategies that could sustain the AIC while developing its
collections to include images outside the concordance core. The
focus on business planning was a direct response to public
evaluation and assessment of the AIC prototype as demonstrated at
the College Art Association's 2000 annual meeting and at other
professional gatherings (Appendix D).
Feedback encouraged numerous changes to the prototype's look and
feel as was expected. It also suggested reconsideration of some
of the AIC's founding assumptions as enumerated below.
3.1. Commercial assumptions
The AIC rested on an assumption that its cost profile would
start out high as the concordance core and the online service
capacity were developed and then diminish precipitously as
development work shifted into more of a maintenance mode. It was
also assumed from the outset that while external support would be
essential at startup, the AIC would have to be self-sustaining
over the long run. The engagement of the art historical and
visual resource communities was seen as the principal mechanism
for achieving sustainability. Collections would grow at little or
no cost through individual and corporate community contributions
of images and data; volunteer domain specialists identified by
CAA would ensure the quality of these contributions and
legitimize the AIC collections in the eyes of scholars; the
effort of image processing and cataloging (all to AIC standards)
would be distributed, wherever possible, to contributors; and the
proposed use of open standards (XML) for delivery would reduce
the AIC's need to create end-user tools and enhance the end
user's ability to use local tools to deliver AIC content. It was
equally evident, however, that the AIC would have to be a
centralized service to some extent, with staff for (re)cataloging
and (re)processing images, communicating with contributors and
subscribers, and marketing and delivering the service. The
project team imagined that this centralized service might most
economically be aligned with a large educational institution or
professional organization, especially an institution for which
the AIC would represent an opportunity to accelerate a "switch"
from analog to digital already envisioned.
These assumptions were fundamentally challenged, not because
they are erroneous, but because participants in AIC presentations
and focus groups emphasized their need for well-managed, richly
documented collections of consistently high-quality digital
images and their skepticism that minimally processed
community-evolved collections were likely to possess these
traits. Respondents also recognized the costs involved in the
development of high-quality collections and almost universally
stressed a preference for paid access to such collections over
free access to collections that were more "serendipitously"
derived. Driven in part by its respondents' needs but also by the
knowledge of costs incurred in documenting, processing, and
creating a prototype delivery system for a relatively small image
set supplied by only three contributors, the project team began
to consider subscription-based models for supporting its
activities, and a more managed approach to the collection
development beyond the prototype phase.
3.2. Collection scope
Visual resource professionals, art historians, as well as
scholars in other arts and humanities disciplines repeatedly
stressed the value of the kind of online image resource the AIC
was proposing. Indeed, they wanted much more in the way of
collections than the AIC was prepared initially to offer.
Demonstrations of the concordance core inevitably provoked
questions from specialists who wanted to know how their
particular interests (e.g., in Americana, in Southeast Asian art,
classical art and archaeology, or in architecture of the European
Renaissance) would be supported by the AIC. In addition, it
provoked offers from individuals and institutions acting as
custodians of more specialized image collections and who were
willing in principle to consider contributing these to the AIC.
In response, the project team returned to the idea of the
concordance core as merely a starting point for collection
development - a hub comprising one or even several instances of
representative art historical works around which whole new
collections could be developed. Maintaining its emphasis on
coherent collections meeting definable educational needs, it
expanded its vision again to include numerous coherent
collections, sequentially developed and launched, adding scope to
the AIC through addition but also depth, for example, through the
cross-collection searching that would become available. A vision
of phased addition of coherent collections also underpins the
marketing model and pricing strategy as represented in the
business plan.
3.3. Service development
The AIC initially envisaged a single initial collection (the
concordance core) supported and developed through three online
services (online access to the core, a shared cataloguing tool,
and an image exchange that allowed individuals to upload digital
image content directly into the online corpus as well as to
download images for local use). Demonstration and review revealed
considerable skepticism about the image exchange, while shared
cataloguing efforts were postponed until work on the prototype
collection and image delivery service was completed (see Section
4.4. below). Just as some service development aspirations were
tabled or put on hold, other new ones were introduced. Indeed,
public review and evaluation revealed demand for a far richer
range of services that, if included in some phased development
path, would diversify the AIC's revenue streams while enhancing
its collections. Services are described in detail in the business
plan where the shared cataloguing tool is re-introduced as a key
feature of the AIC service at launch. Additional services may be
included in some phased development.
3.4. Collection strategy
The AIC was launched with the view that a collection could be
developed on the basis of images contributed by individuals to
fill needs identified on widely publicized want lists that were
themselves constructed by subject experts and other domain
specialists. Where the concordance core was concerned, the AIC
was fortunate enough to find a significant number of the
requisite 2,300 images in personal collections. Even with this
initial jumpstart, this mode of collection development proved to
be slow and cumbersome. There are, for example, uncertainties
that surround the copyright status of images contributed by
individuals, some of whom may not be abreast of copyright law and
its implications. At the same time, as the AIC began to broaden
its collection scope beyond the concordance core, it began to
identify wholly coherent collections managed by single
institutions, and potentially available for inclusion. While
maintaining a want list function, therefore, the AIC's principal
collection development strategy will rely more on expert advisory
groups that define collection priorities in reference to data on
research and teaching needs and market potential, and help to
select images to assemble priority collections. This more managed
and strategic approach to collection development does not
necessarily assume a centralized structure for receipt and
processing of digital images. It does necessitate in-house
technical standards to guide image production and guidelines for
those interested in contributing to the AIC. These are supplied
in Appendix E.
3.5. Distribution model
Reflecting, in part, the catholic membership of the College Art
Association, the AIC initially envisaged a distribution model
that focused entirely on web-based services accessible to
individuals and institutions with very different levels of
computing infrastructure and support. Early on it realized the
importance of supporting the growing number of institutions that
have interest in and capacity for locally managed image services.
Consequently, the AIC has adopted a stratified approach. It will
make its collections available online and by distribution (with
periodic updates) on portable media. The functional
specifications for both distribution paths is supplied in Appendix F.
3.6. Service platform
The AIC set out to develop application software that would supply
the full range of web-based access services envisaged for the
prototype using open standards (XML) in order to reduce the AIC's
need to create end-user tools while enhancing the end user's
ability to use local tools to deliver AIC content. The software
was developed by Carnegie Mellon University under contract to the
AIC. It supplied a large subset of the AIC's specified access
features via a suite of Open Source XML files with a configurable
API that allows underlying image and data content to be stored in
and retrieved from virtually any web-accessible database
The software served the AIC's purposes through its public
demonstrations (a feature description is supplied in Appendix C)
but was rejected by the AIC in favor of a pre-packaged solution
when the AIC turned its attention to planning its business
future. An evolving market and cost considerations combined to
influence this decision. With regard to the market, several
solutions suited to the AIC are now available and under
consideration. With suitable products now available on the open
market, the AIC Executive Committee felt that it could no longer
justify the costs involved in developing its own software
solution, and the associated long-term costs of maintaining that
solution's viability on successive generations of hardware
platforms and operating systems.
3.7. Organizational and operational considerations
During its planning phase, the AIC has relied on a combination of
volunteer and paid effort at the University of Michigan, Yale
University, Carnegie Mellon University, and the Digital Library
Federation. Significant contributions and leadership have also
been supplied by staff at the University of Oregon, and the
College Art Association. Although appropriate to a planning
process, this organizational approach is unsuited to the fully
operational phase envisaged in the business plan. Accordingly,
the AIC seeks development as a 501(c)3 organization responsible
to an advisory board with at least 5 members of full-time
co-located staff looking after business, collection, and
technical development, and marketing and administrative
functions. Image processing, data distribution, and web hosting
functions may be required in addition but may be supplied by
entities acting under contract to the AIC.
In an operational mode, the AIC will also require: empirical
data about the use of visual resources in research and teaching,
and guidelines for using them to evaluate and prioritize
collection development opportunities; a technical framework to
guide image processing and management; a functional specification
for data dissemination services; and a rights management
framework. Empirical data on research and teaching needs will
help the AIC to prioritize investment in new collections and
enable it to enlist support of domain specialists in their design
and development. The latter function is fundamental to the
emergence of an educational resource that is trusted by the
community for its quality, integrity, and value. Empirical data
are presently being generated, and a draft collection development
framework has been prepared and is supplied in Appendix G.
A standards framework and technical guidelines have already
been referenced above and are available in Appendix E. They will ensure consistency,
quality, and reliability across collections sourced from numerous
individuals and institutions. They will also enable the AIC to
secure some operational services under license from third
A rights framework will reduce the AIC's legal liability while
encouraging collection development. The rights framework is one
of the least developed operational components. At present it
exists as a set of principles (available in Appendix G, section 13) that need will be
transformed into templates for negotiable licenses.
4. Next steps
One of the DLF's core aims is to leverage its members' digital
library investments and expertise to foster the development of
innovative information services that educational and library
institutions require but cannot afford or be motivated to supply
individually or through limited consortial engagements. The AIC
is the best-developed example of what the DLF hopes to achieve in
its catalytic role. Other examples include its work on digital
archival repositories and on Internet portal services (for
further information see
"The Digital Library and B2B Services").
In conformance with this programmatic objective, the DLF and
the teams it has assembled around the AIC are deeply committed to
the development of an information service that will promote and
expand opportunities for innovation in research, learning and
teaching with visual resources. They feel no proprietary hold
over that service but are resolved to deploy their resources and
collective expertise to its development. The next steps
effectively fall into two categories: those taken to produce the
outstanding agreements, licenses, and tools that the service will
require; and those taken to initiate the service in an
operational form. At present our focus is on the former. The
following framing activities are currently envisaged or
4.1. Making a "buy or build" decision about the AIC's
delivery platform
That decision will require a further survey of the costs and
capabilities of present software solutions. The survey will need
to take account of the software's innate capabilities, potential,
and costs but also of the detailed functional specification that
has been developed for the AIC (Appendix
4.2. Turning licensing principles into template licenses
A principal aim of the AIC is to create trusted, high-quality,
and legitimate online visual image resources that can promote and
expand opportunities for innovation in research, teaching, and
learning. Indeed, the failure so far by educational and cultural
communities to confront the thorny issues that surround
intellectual property and the fair use exclusion has
significantly impeded attempts to harness information technology
for the benefit of those interested in the scholarly use of
visual resources. Intellectually coherent collections of online
visual resources are being created by several universities but
they tend to incorporate images whose copyright status is
questionable at best. Accordingly, they are placed behind
institutional firewalls and made accessible to only the smallest
audience. They are also inefficient, representing great
redundancy of effort while preventing colleagues at different
institutions from learning from one another's efforts. More
publicly accessible online collections exist to be sure. Relying
on the availability of copyright cleared content, however, they
tend on the whole to be patchy in their coverage and fail as a
result to supply the deep resource that the scholarly community
requires, whether for research or teaching purposes. Confronting
these issues head on requires close involvement of legal counsel
and a robust rights framework that reflects and supports a
service's collection development and business aims. The AIC is
working toward this framework. It has at present established
licensing principles that it wishes to reflect in any licenses
that it negotiates with image contributors. The principles are
tied to its collection development and business aims. They need
to be reviewed by expert legal counsel and drafted into licensing
templates. In addition, the AIC needs to work along similar lines
to develop an appropriate range of end-user licenses and licenses
that may be used with any third party to which the AIC
sub-contracts the provision of any of its operational services
(archiving, distribution, etc.).
4.3. Establishing priorities for collection development
During the planning process, and particularly in response to
public demonstrations of the AIC prototype, the AIC has received
numerous offers in principle to contribute image content to its
collections. Focusing its limited human resources on the
prototype's development and review and then on the collection
strategy, business plan and service route map, the AIC has begun
to gather the data it needs to set priorities for collection
development beyond the concordance core.
The Distinguished Fellows program of the Council on Library
Information Resources and the DLF has recently created such an
opportunity for the AIC to move in this essential direction by
awarding a fellowship to Max Marmor of Yale University. Mr.
Marmor has been a guiding light in the AIC's development and is
also deeply engaged in a closely related initiative, Imaging
America, which is based at Yale University. Mr. Marmor's
fellowship will focus the AIC's collection development strategy
and then, within that strategy, develop opportunities that can
serve the combined purposes of Imaging America and the Academic
Image Cooperative. At least five strands of activity are
required, the last three of which assume the availability of a
prioritized list of collection development opportunities and a
robust rights framework replete with template.
- Prioritizing collection development effort. The AIC's
mission and its business interests are tied to the development of
useful image collections that meet definable teaching and
research needs. Charting the scope of its collections beyond the
concordance core and assessing and prioritizing need for coherent
teaching and research collections within that scope are key and
immediate tasks. As indicated above, the core is only a starting
point for the AIC. Including images representative of art
historical work across time and genres, it supplies small sets of
images around which other discrete collections may be developed,
e.g., in South Asian art, in Impressionism, Romanticism,
Byzantine architecture. Collection priorities, although
influenced to be sure by opportunity, need to be established on
the basis of careful analysis of teaching and research needs and
trends. The analysis (which will also supply essential market
research) will require methodological innovation. Without the
benefit of "Impact Factors" and other data that have helped
electronic publishers establish priorities for digitizing
scholarly journals, for example, the AIC will need to gather data
that illuminate the use of visual resources in teaching and
research. In developing its research methods, the AIC will also
review the practices employed by competing electronic publishers,
focusing in particular on those that seek to develop coherent
collections as opposed to large assemblies of image content.
The AIC is uniquely positioned to conduct this analysis. Its
long-standing affiliation to the College Art Association will be
beneficial - the Association is abreast of such trends and
gathers or has access to some relevant data. It can also act
independently of institutional, professional, and other special
interests that can influence collection priorities on principles
that are less empirical and market oriented than those the AIC
intends to apply. The College Art Association represents the
visual resources community in its broadest form. The DLF is a
membership organization but one whose members seek collectively
to act as catalysts in developing, rather than as proprietors of,
innovative information services. Finally, as a CLIR/DLF
Distinguished Fellow, Mr. Marmor will be positioned to act
independently of any single institutional interest.
- Negotiation with potential contributors for access to
rights-cleared images of art historical objects. The research
that will inform the AIC's collection decisions will take place
over 4 to 6 months. During that time, the AIC will conduct more
detailed examination of the collections already on offer while
exploring opportunities with the custodians of other substantial
- Developing guidelines for expert editorial or advisory
bodies. The AIC's collection strategy and business plan both
emphasize the importance of having domain specialists and
appropriate professional associations involved in developing
discrete collections. Experts' work will vary with the
circumstances that surround any single collection. Typically, it
would involve the development of a want list that includes the
art historical works (or categories of works) that need to be
represented in a collection to support defined teaching or
research aims. Thereafter, experts may find themselves filling
the want list through careful review of images on offer from a
single institution (whether a slide library, museum, or private
or institutional photo archive) or through some more general
solicitation to a particular custodial community. Since expert
groups will need to surround every collection that the AIC
develops, guidelines will supply an essential tool for ensuring
that the same intellectual rigor is consistency applied.
- Identifying costs and determining distribution of effort
in image processing to AIC standards. The work can only take
place after collections are defined and in light of the
opportunities that present themselves for their development.
4.4. Developing and evaluating a prototype shared cataloguing
From its conception, the AIC envisaged a database of records
richly describing art historical works. The database was intended
to serve several communities. For scholars and students it would
act as a reference tool: an invaluable aid to research, teaching,
and learning. For custodians of visual resource collections, the
database would inform local cataloguing activities while
minimizing the extensive redundant effort that they involve. The
database could also have a number of business applications, for
example, for those concerned in the private market for art
historical objects. Focusing its efforts on the concordance core,
strategies and methods for developing image collection, and on
business planning, the AIC postponed consideration of the
cataloguing tool for a second stage of its development. Having
reached that stage, the AIC has drafted a statement of the
problem a shared cataloguing tool will solve and frames a
prototype development initiative. The statement is supplied in Appendix H.
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