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Draft report of a meeting held on 10 April in Washington DC to discuss preliminary results of a survey issued by the DLF to its membersD Greenstein, S Thorin, D Mckinney23 April 2001 Attending: Peter Botticelli (Cornell), Elaine Sloan (Columbia University), Nancy Eaton (Penn State), Suzanne Thorin (Indiana University), Duane Webster (ARL), Wendy Lougee (University of Michigan), Bill Forden (University of Washington) , Marty Runkle (University of Chicago), Bill Britton (University of Tennessee) Apologies: Don Waters (Mellon), Carol Mandel (New York University) The following report organizes discussion thematically rather than chronologically under the following heads:
1. Review of aims in conducting survey and publishing the report
2. Structure and emphasis of the published reportGiven the sample size (21 responses) the sample frame (leading digital libraries), and the ambiguity in some of the survey data, the report can only be indicative digital library roles, development paths, and organizational approaches, and needs to be presented in that way. The above also suggests that the report will be benefit from follow-up case studies (4-5 pages each) that illustrate some of the "digital library types" that are apparent in the data. Candidate "digital library types" for case studies are listed bevlow (institution names are provided for illustrative purposes only. Candidate case studies remain to be selected and agreed and will be represented in the report as (institutions a, b, c, etc.)
Case studies will be developed through interview at the candidate institutions. Interviews (and the case studies themselves) will follow broadly similar lines and tease out the circumstances surrounding the initial establishment of digital library programs and the key turning points in their development. Case studies will help to illuminate rational and timeline and influences (external and internal) on digital library development, as well as the circumstances surrounding their creation and some of the key turning points in their further development. The case studies will also help to identify relative importance (and source) of leadership, funding, etc. Case studies will also help to
While case studies are being developed it will be helpful to ask DLF members to document the key formative influences that helped to shape their own digital library programs (viz. development of the web, JSTOR, TULIP, NDLP, NSF DL1, etc) 3. Additional data analysis that is requiredData should be reworked to see whether the distribution of responses for any of the following types of institutions differs at all from the averages shown in the tables produced for the meeting:
Further additional analyses are recommended in italic below 4. Principal preliminary results arising from the survey dataComments on survey questions and additional data that may be required are supplied in italic 4.1. Policy environmentStatistically speaking, the policy environment is well developed where university information strategy, intellectual property and copyright are concerned. Policies for distance learning (62%) and preservation (33%) are less prevalent though possibly in a way that represents a trend toward their development. Table 4.1.1. The policy environment. Prevalence of different types of policies within DLF member institutions
4.2. Funding for digital library programsNew money, grants and gifts, and reallocation of core funding are almost equally as important in funding digital library initiatives Table 4.2.1. Funding sources for digital library initiatives
The question needs to be refined so that it is possible to get sense of relative importance / level of each of these sources and to get a more refined sense of "reallocation" i.e. to determine whether it entails staff reassigment, staff re-skilling, reallocation of existing funds (and if so from what) Objects of digital library expenditure. The principal costs for digital libraries are as follows (based on average 2000 cost):
The fact that equipment and infrastructure was absorbing more funds than personnel seemed initially to surprise, but on reflection may reflect libraries gearing up their digital library initiatives and having to equip them.
Table 4.2.2. Objects of digital library expenditure
Digital library expenditure Range of
costs 1999 Range of
costs 2000 Average
cost 1999 Average
cost 2000 Change in
average costs Percent
change in average cost Commercial content 1,507 -
2,000,000 1,061 -
3,000,000 1,500,000 1,700,000 200,000 13 Digital conversion (content creation) 2,400 -
1,090,600 37,992 -
1,145,000 277,418 285,766 8,348 3 New forms of scholarly communication 0 -
119,700 ??? 27,400 32,240 4,840 18 Digital library personnel 2,400 -
1,622,600 100000 -
1703730 631,369 786,000 154,631 24 Equipment and other infrastructure 1,500 -
4,000,000 7,500 -
3,514,350 720,011 987,700 267,689 37 Systems R & D 5,000 -
1,200,000 0 -
3,200,000 280,716 255,907 -24,809 -9 Participation in consortial DL activities 0 -
300,000 0 -
100,000 29,732 29,265 -467 -2 Support for grant-funded R&D 0 -
159,000 0 -
320,000 52,550 169,900 117,350 223 Subscription to membership organizations 59,000 -
174,974 95,775 NA NA Digital libraries have, on average, as many digital imaging as encoded text creation projects and have produced an average of 270,000 images and 1,000 encoded texts. The variation, though, across digital libraries is considerable.
Table 4.3. Investment in content creation
Number of
projects Avg
number of projects Number of
FTEs (range) Avg
Number of FTEs Annual
investment in content creation (range) Avg annual
investment in content creation Digital images 2 - 25 8.4 1 - 4.5 3.1 5,000 -
3,000,000 270,000 Encoded texts 0 - 31 6 0 - 6 2.6 0 - 4,341 975 Digital sound and video/film 0 - 6 2 0 - 2 0.65 0 -
13,940 1,240 DLF members are almost equally divided between those that organize digital library activities by locating responsibility for them in a digital library department or unit (10) and those that do not (8)
Table 4.4.1. Organization of digital library activities
Location of digital library initiative Number Percent Within
independent unit 10 48 Distributed
across library / coordinated by some team approach 4 19 Distributed
across library / not coordinated by some team approach 4 19 Too small
to say 3 14 N 21 100 Few digital library initiatives (centralized or otherwise) operate without at least some connection (formal or informal) relationship with another university unit that has some role in developing and managing the university's information assets.
The most important "other unit" is the information service or academic computing (c.90% of those responding have some connection), followed by the university press (41% with some connection, an LIS or equivalent academic department (20%).
Only 10% of those responding to the question had digital library initiatives that were entirely independent of other units
Table 4.4.2. Contact between library-based digital library activities and other university units outside the library
Formal connection with unit
(No./No responding to question and percent) Informal connection with unit
(No./No responding to question and percent) IT or
academic computing 11/20 55% 7/20 35% University
press 2/18 11 6/20 30 LIS 2/18 11 2/20 10 No other
department 2/18 11 0/20 0 Will need to flesh out what is meant by "formal" in case studies and perhaps with a refined question in future surveys
Staffing levels for digital library initiatives vary considerably across DLF member institutions (from c. 7 FTEs to c.48 FTEs) and average 17 FTEs.
On average, library-based digital library staff are distributed more or less equally between library management systems, content creation, and development and maintenance of access systems.
Table 4.5.1. Level and functional distribution of digital library staff employed by the library
Staffing for digital library activities Staff
FTEs in librarsy (range) Average
staff FTEs in library Library management systems 2.75 - 15 6.5 Content creation 2.5 -
11.5 6.1 Development/maintenance of access systems 1.5 - 21 5.7 Total 6.75 -
47.5 17 Responsibility for various digital library activities (content selection, content production, user support) is taken largely by subject bibliographers and staffs located in digital library units, with subject bibliographers taking a lead role.
Responsibility for user support is thinly spread across different groups of library staff with no single group taking primary responsibility. This suggests either that user support is a widely shared or not considered as a priority
About half of the libraries responding said their digital library initiatives had access to staff in other (non-library) departments.
On average those with access to staff outside the library, had access to 8 FTEs distributed as follows: 4 FTEs for library management systems, 4 FTEs for content creation, and 1 FTE for access systems development.
Table 4.5.2. Staff outside the library involved in digital library initiatives
Staffing for digital library activities Staff FTEs in librarsy (range) Average staff FTEs in library Library management systems 2.75 - 15 6.5 Content creation 2.5 - 11.5 6.1 Development/maintenance of access systems 1.5 - 21 5.7 Total 6.75 - 47.5 17 Many units within the university are taking responsibility for the production of digital content that contribute new forms of scholarly communications. The library is primarily responsible for the production of that content based on library holdings (95% of respondents claim this responsibility for the library over other units).
Responsibility for other such content is widely spread across units with academic departments taking primarily responsibility for e-print repositories (52% of those responding), e-journals (52% of those responding), and distance learning materials (62% of those responding). IT and academic computing departments have limited responsibility for production of digital information content any kind.
Where access to this content is concerned, the library has a greater role than it does in content creation. It is primarily responsible for providing access to digitized library content (in 90% of the institutions responding), to e-journal content (in 81%), to e-books (in 76%) and to e-prints (57%). No other unit takes anywhere near that level of responsibility for any type of collection listed.
Where preservation of such content concerned, only the digitized library holdings (for the creation and distribution of which the library is primarily responsible) appear at all to be secure. Most respondents claim that the library takes responsibility for the preservation of these holdings. Other kinds of digital content (e.g. e-journals, e-prints, etc.) is apparently at risk. At least only very few of the responding institutions located preservation responsibility for these materials in any one of the departments listed
The highly distributed approach to digital preservation that is apparent in section 4.6. dealing with content that contributes new forms of scholarly communication, is apparent in questions that ask about preservation responsibility for digital materials created or used within the library, within academic departments, and within administrative departments.
The library takes primary responsibility for preservation of library catalogue files (at 71% of responding institutions), finding aids (at 76%) and the digital content produced by the library (at 76%).
The Library has little or no responsibility for university records and administrative data (MIS) or for data developed in academic departments. Indeed, where digital content produced in academic departments is concerned, nearly half of all respondents (9 of 21) were unclear about where preservation responsibility for that content was located
Support for production and use of computer-based learning materials is widely shared (or highly fragmented).
Units within the library take primary responsibility for supporting pedagogical and classroom use of digital content that produced by the library (at 81% of those responding), for advice on copyright clearance and IPR issues involved with that content (at 62%).
IT and academic computing departments take primary responsibility for production of computer-based learning materials not based on library holdings (at 76% of responding institutions), and for the pedagogical and classroom use of those materials (at 57%).