This website is no longer being maintained as of June 2010.
For current DLF information please go to:
random quote Link: Publications Link: Forum Link: About DLF Link: News
Link: Digital Collections Link: Digital Production Link: Digital Preservation Link: Use, users, and user support Link: Build: Digital Library Architectures, Systems, and Tools


Please send the DLF Director your comments or suggestions.

Digital Library Federation

Printer-friendly versions of web pages

You have chosen a file that was created as a "printer-friendly" version of a DLF document in a prior iteration of this website. Please click on the filename below to access

and then simply use the browser's print function if you wish to print it. A cascading stylesheet will lay out the file for printing, obviating the need for a second copy of every file.

More about Print versions and Stylesheets

The DLF website no longer contains duplicate versions of html documents that have been optimized for printing -- files whose names end in "pv" for "printer version", such as "memberspv.htm".

Instead, this site uses a cascading stylesheet -- print.css -- that reshapes the page in a more printer-friendly manner when one chooses the print option from a web browser. One stylesheet controls on-screen layout -- styles.css -- while the other controls print layout.

<link media="screen" href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link media="print" href="print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

The latter is invoked wehen a user chooses the print function from their web browser.

In order to access a DLF file whose name ends with "pv", you should be able to simply remove the "pv" and leave the rest of the filename:





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