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The DLF Newsletter

The DLF Newsletter is a web-based publication in which the members report -- to the rest of the DLF and beyond -- on new digital library services, collections, projects, and challenges.


Volume 6 Number 1. NEW!
British Library | Harvard University | Johns Hopkins University | University of Virginia | University of Washington | Yale University
Volume 5 Number 2.
Indiana University | New York Public Library | North Carolina State University | Stanford University


Volume 5 Number 1.
California Digital Library | Carnegie Mellon | Emory | Harvard | Johns Hopkins | Michigan | MIT | NYU | Tennessee | Virginia | Washington | Yale

Volume 4 Number 2.
Library of Congress | Princeton | Chicago | Minnesota


Volume 4 Number 1.
California Digital Library | Carnegie Mellon | Columbia | Cornell | Dartmouth College | Emory | Harvard | Indiana | Johns Hopkins | New York Public Library | New York University | North Carolina State | Stanford | University of California, Berkeley | Michigan | University of Southern California | Tennessee | Virginia | Washington | Yale


Volume 3
Carnegie Mellon University | Cornell University | Harvard University | Indiana University | Library of Congress | Michigan University | New York University | University of Southern California


Volume 2 Number 2.
Columbia University | North Carolina State University | Pennsylvania State University | Stanford University | University of Pennsylvania | University of Tennessee | University of Texas at Austin | University of Virginia | University of Washington | Yale University |

Volume 2 Number 1.
California Digital Library | Cornell University | Harvard University | Library of Congress | University of Michigan | University of Minnesota | University of Southern California


Volume 1 Number 2.
Columbia University | North Carolina State University | Pennsylvania State University | Stanford University | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | University of Pennsylvania | University of Tennessee | University of Texas at Austin | University of Virginia | Yale University

Volume 1 Number 1.
California Digital Library | Carnegie Mellon University | Cornell University | Emory University | Harvard University | Indiana University | Library of Congress | University of Chicago | University of Michigan | University of Minnesota


Both of the following databases are being updated at present, and may not currently reflect all projects and publications in the newsletters.

The Newsletter also acts as a gateway onto two registries that provide a clearinghouse of members' digital library expertise and activities. The registries, developed and maintained by the Director's office on the basis of information supplied by members in their Newsletter reports, include:

  1. documenting the digital library - a web-searchable databases of policies, strategies, working papers, standards and other application guidelines, and technical documentation developed by DLF members to inform or reflect upon their digital library development activities; and
  2. digital collections - a web-searchable database of members' publicly available digital collections.

Please note: the database of recent and forthcoming events has been replaced by postings on the dlf-announce listserv.

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