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Yale University

Report to the Digital Library Federation
October 2004

I. Collections, services, and systems

A. Collections

Economic Growth Center Digital Library

This eighteen-month project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, digitizes a selection of Mexican state statistical abstracts from the Yale University Library's Economic Growth Center Library Collection. The process of digitizing the materials into TIFF images, PDF documents, and Excel tables has yielded a wealth of information about the costs and processes of creating a statistical digital library from sources not born digital. The project is being extended to digitize tables of retail commodity prices from Nigerian states, to test the applicability of the project's findings to a collection of markedly different print quality. The project has made extensive use of automated processes for metadata production of both Dublin Core and Data Documentation Initiative records.

Historical New Haven Digital Collection: A Teaching Tool

The Historical New Haven Digital Collection, a teaching tool developed over the past two years, now contains over 1,500 images, 800 interactive maps and 90 statistical documents relating to the city of New Haven in the 20th Century. The teaching tool was originally developed in support of a Library ELI (Electronic Library Initiative) supported class called 'New Haven and the Problem of Change in the American City'. This past summer the number of images in the collection was increased by over 800 as the tool will be used in support of a course called 'Urban Legal History' in Spring 2005. Instructional materials on the use of the maps are linked from the site as are outside resources of interest to those doing research on New Haven.

Internet Mission Photography Archive

IMPA is a new three-year project funded by Getty in which the Yale Divinity Library is partnering with five other archival repositories in Europe and North America to develop an online database of missionary photographs taken between 1850 and World War II. This database will be an important scholarly resource for missions historians, art historians, scholars of religion, historical sociologists, visual anthropologists, area specialists, and geographers.

Lewis Walpole Digital Library

The Lewis Walpole Library Digital Collection has been enriched with the addition of images from prints, drawings, paintings, and text focusing on Horace Walpole and his house called Strawberry Hill. Along with the vast array of caricatures and satires that formed the original concentration of the Digital Collection, the Strawberry Hill-related material marks another step in the Library's efforts to make its holdings of British eighteenth-century materials available electronically. The Digital Collection is searchable alone or as part of the newly developed Cross-collection Search.

Manuscripts and Archives Digital Images Database

The Manuscripts and Archives Digital Images Database (MADID) contains digital reproductions of photographs, posters, drawings, text documents, and other images taken from the research collections of Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library. These images comprise only a small percentage of the department's holdings, being those requested by departmental patrons over the past several years. The database continues to grow as patrons request the digitization of additional materials.

Peter Parker Collection, Medical Historical Library

Peter Parker was a medical missionary and diplomat to China in the early 19th Century. Parker specialized in treating diseases of the eye, particularly cataracts, but also performed general surgical operations including the removal of tumors. In the 1830's he commissioned Lam Qua to paint portraits of his tumor patients. These startling and somewhat gruesome paintings of pathological subject matter provide the viewer with unsettling insights into the more unusual cases Parker treated during his tenure in China.

Shoah Foundation Archives Collaborative Project

Yale University Library is participating in a Mellon Foundation grant-funded pilot project with the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, Rice University and the University of Southern California. The program has made the Shoah Foundation's digital video archive of Holocaust testimonies available on campus via the Internet. Using the Visual History Archive (VHA), a web based tool, students, faculty and other researchers can access and search the metadata available for the foundation's cataloged testimonies. VHA users can request for these digital format videos to be downloaded to a cache server at Yale University from which the videos can be viewed on most campus workstations.

Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library

In 2003-2004, the YMTDL project added two significant historical theses that should continue to attract considerable contemporary attention:
Angoff, Nancy Rockmore (YSM Class of 1990)
Do Physicians Have an Ethical Obligation to Care for Patients with AIDS?
Daniels, Daryl Keith (YSM Class of 1991)
African-Americans at the Yale University School of Medicine:1810-1960
Also, the project added the first thesis with an original electronic component, a movie created as the intervention for the study:
Wong, Ileen (YSM Class of 2004)
Development and assessment of an innovative video to introduce concepts of adherence in Soweto, South Africa

B. Services

Cross Campus Library Experimental Teaching & Learning Space

Located in the Cross Campus Library, the Teaching & Learning Experimental Space has been designed to serve as a location to prototype services to help us explore how collaborative spaces can support teaching and learning. Insights will be helpful for design work for future Library renovations. The initial configuration of the space will include a 'Technology Troubleshooting Office', a 'Self-Service Media Lab' and an 'Experimental Collaborative Space'. Assessment of these services is an important component of this testing; several feedback mechanisms are in place and feedback will be gathered constantly and analyzed. .

MetaLib at Yale

MetaLib v3.11 was installed at Yale in Sept. This release is much improved over the earlier version, and we believe will work well in our environment. We are currently implementing the product and are addressing issues such as: public interface design, establishing resource categories, configuring and describing resources, testing functionality that should enable remote authentication against our Central Authentication Server, and investigating proxy server options. We anticipate offering MetaLib to the public at the end of the Fall semester. The Library is keenly interested in offering the federated search capabilities available through this product. Whether MetaLib will also replace our dynamically generated web list of electronic databases will depend on the flexibility of the resource descriptive record in MetaLib.

C. Systems

Electronic Resource Management at Law School Library

The Law Library has begun to implement the Electronic Resource Management (ERM) module from Innovative Interfaces. ERM will provide a receptacle for administrative and licensing information about electronic resources, and will allow integration with the online catalog for display of access and usage information to patrons. The Law Library has also purchased and begun to implement III's WebBridge module, which enables openURL functionality for the catalog and provides rule-based linking to full-text resources or external related resources.

Rescue Repository

This project is meant to provide a central system in which to store master digital information from several Library digital collections. Since much of this material currently resides on CDs, DVDs, various tape formats and other media, the Rescue Repository is envisioned as a "safe haven" for this material. The purpose is not to provide an OAIS-compliant digital preservation archival repository, but rather a simpler solution to provide breathing space (from concerns such as media decay, obsolescence, damage, loss, etc.) while such a system is carefully planned, designed and implemented over the next few years. The Rescue Repository will be implemented as a simple file-level system containing little more than the master files themselves residing within a directory structure designed to emulate the hierarchy from the original source collections, along with rudimentary verification, validation and metadata information stored as ancillary files also within the target directories. The first phase of this project consisted of the generation of a requirements document from the Rescue Repository Requirements Task Force, consisting of representatives from several library digital collections as well as Integrated Library Technology Services staff. Representatives from several candidate collections were canvassed as well. This phase was completed in June 2004 and was followed by the implementation phase, which is in progress.

Support for Finding Digital Images

In support of the American Studies Digital Imaging Project (see below), a cross-collection search tool was created based on the Digital Library application developed at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. The Digital Library Cross-Collection search provides web-based access to over 100,000 images from Library collections including those from the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Visual Resources Collection, Art of the Book Collection and the Lewis Walpole Library.

Work also continues in support of Luna Imaging Inc.'s Insight software. Version 5.0 has been installed and is being used by staff, students and faculty. The 'Personal Insight' module will be prototyped for use on campus by staff and faculty. The Library has developed a set of core fields for recommended use in the cataloging of personal collections and instructional materials are being developed to provide additional guidance for users of Personal Insight.

II. Projects and programs

A. Projects

New Project Announcements

Electronic Records Archive Project and Fedora

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission has recently awarded a grant in the amount of $196,908 to support testing Fedora's capabilities to serve as an electronic records preservation system in the Yale University Archives, part of the Manuscripts and Archives department of the Yale University Library, and the Digital Collections and Archives of Tufts University. Yale's Electronic Records Archive Project will work in conjunction with Tufts to discover a method of capturing and maintaining digital records using Fedora. The project is also concerned with assessing the program's ability to trace the authenticity of the information and to manage data of varying sources and formats.

Update on Existing Projects

American Studies Digital Imaging Project / ELI (Electronic Library Initiatives) Project:

Work continues in support of a $250,000 grant to facilitate the design of teaching and study tools and the building of collections of digitized images to support American Studies. Through close collaboration among staff from the Library, Graduate School and Academic Media & Technologies, the project also aims to assess the impact of using these new digital materials and information technologies on teaching and learning, as well as on library service support. The project began in April 2002. Since then, six Working Groups have been created to explore issues related to Management Software, Software Integration, Collection Building and Organization, Copyright Guidelines, Instruction and Assessment. An individual Faculty Support Team composed of staff from across campus provides course-specific assistance to each participating faculty member. These Faculty Support Teams work closely with the faculty member and exist for the duration of the supported course.

Three courses were supported in the spring of 2004 including courses in History, English and African American Studies. Six additional courses will be supported in the Fall 2004 and Spring 2005 including courses in Art, Law, Nursing, Forestry & Environment Studies and English.

OACIS for the Middle East (Online Access to Consolidated Information on Serials)

This is an union catalog of serials from or about the Middle East whose mission is to improve access to Middle Eastern serials in libraries in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. The OACIS catalog contains full bibliographical information and precise holdings (with owning libraries identified) for journals and serials related to the Middle East and published in numerous languages. The system permits searching in English and Arabic. We are beginning our third year of a Title VI Department of Education grant to create this electronic resource. We now have 10 US, 1 German, and 2 Middle Eastern universities involved in the project. This coming year, we will be collaborating with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on a digitization demonstration project involving pre-1923 journals in Arabic and in French. We will also conduct an InterLibrary Loan experiment to assess the ILL prototype under development.

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