University of Virginia Library
Report to the Digital Library Federation
October, 2004
A. Collections
The Biddle Edition Archive
A searchable electronic collection of selected Lewis and Clark
letters, images, and press coverage surrounding the publication
of the Biddle edition of the Lewis and Clark Journals in 1814.
The project was sponsored by Douglas Seefedlt, Director of the
Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Project, and the Virginia Center for
Digital History, and is built upon the full electronic version of
Biddle created by the Library in 2003.
California Newsreel
The Robertson Media Center has entered into a licensing
agreement with the documentary distributor California Newsreel to
deliver online versions of selected videos from their Library of
African Cinema. These videos have been digitized and are being
delivered as MPEG streams to members of the University of
Virginia community.
Census of American Studies Resources on the Web
The Census of American Studies Resources on the Web supports
the creation, discovery, and delivery of an annotated directory
of American Studies resources on the web. Entries in the
directory are proposed by members of the larger American Studies
community, reviewed, and, if accepted, annotated, categorized,
and added to the directory. The project was a collaboration with
the American Studies graduate program at UVA and the Institute
for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, funded by a grant from
the Mellon Foundation. The resource was realized through a local
customization of the Scout Portal Toolkit.
Climatology Virginia
Climatology Virginia was developed by the Science and
Engineering Libraries' Digital Lab and the Geostat Center as a
resource to enhance the pure research capabilities of those
engaged in the field, while lending context wherever possible to
encourage a broad reach of understanding. Climatology Virginia
brings together many of the facets that make up climate research
in the Commonwealth and presents them via the Web. In its first
phase, Climatology Virginia includes four datasets from the
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), augmented by extensive
metadata, data from 1920-29 in text format, selected digitized
NCDC reports, and an annotated directory of climatological
resources on the Web.
The Digital Elvis Project
A site that provides access to all material needed for
variable format readings or stagings of the play Elvis
People, written by Doug Grissom of the UVA Drama Department,
which explores the impact of Elvis Presley on American
Early American Fiction 1789-1875
The University has completed processing of Phase 1 (1789-1849)
and Phase 2 (1850-1875) of this Mellon-funded collection of 886
volumes of American fiction in the University of Virginia Special
Collections, including works by Louisa May Alcott, Samuel
Clemens, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher
Stowe and some 90 other 19th century novelists. Each text exists
as a full set of color page-images and a searchable XML text.
Biographies and supporting manuscript materials were also
digitized. Some materials are publicly available, while the
remainder is available only through license with
Historical Census Browser
The Geospatial and Statistical Data Center is developing
mapping functionality to compliment the online data delivery of
the U.S. Historical Census Browser. After selecting data for a
given year and geographic level, users will be able to create
online maps of census characteristics that can be overlaid with
related geographic layers showing jurisdictional boundaries,
roads, and waterways. The maps can be viewed or saved as PDF
documents. Still in testing and development, the mapping
functionality is currently available only to the UVA community;
full release is expected early in 2005.
Japanese Text Initiative (JTI)
The University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center and
the University of Pittsburgh East Asian Library sponsor the
Japanese Text Initiative, a collaborative effort to make texts of
classical Japanese literature available on the Web. Dozens of
texts and a Japanese Haiku Topical Dictionary have been added.
The Japanese characters are fully searchable for all JTI texts. A
new grant from the Toshiba International Foundation supported the
expansion of the corpus by over 200 texts in 2004.
Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library Tibet Gazetteer
This gazetteer is a browsable and searchable XML-based
database of places within the Tibet Autonomous Region. Each
record provides various information including name translations,
a link to view the location on an interactive web map, and in
some cases even census data. Future plans for the Tibet Gazetteer
include providing different views of the data, such as
contemporary cultural regions, contemporary administrative units,
and historical views; and expanding the coverage area.
The Winnifred Eaton Digital Archive
Winnifred Eaton (1875-1954), writing under the pseudonym of
Onoto Watanna, was the first person of Asian descent to publish a
novel in the US. Perhaps more significantly, she was the first
Asian American to reach a national mainstream reading audience:
between 1898 and 1925, she published over a dozen novels and
dozens of short stories and nonfiction pieces, which appeared in
mass-market periodicals such as Ladies’ Home
Journal, Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly,
Century Magazine, and Harper’s Monthly. The
collection is edited and compiled by Jean Lee Cole, Assistant
Professor in the Department of English at Loyola College.
Production and hosting are provided by the Electronic Text
B. Services
Collections and Reference
Find@UVa is an OpenURL Resolver service that can be used to
locate full-text documents in e-journals and e-newspapers from
citations Sixty to seventy percent of UVA's current indexing and
abstracting tools can work directly with the OpenURL standard. As
of September 30, 2004, Find@UVa links from over 60 indexing and
abstracting services, providing access to over 15,000 journal
titles in the collections of the University Library, the Health
Sciences Library, and the Law Library.
Document Delivery
The Library offers electronic document delivery for both ILL
items and items held locally. Articles are delivered in PDF
format, and both borrowing and notification of availability are
handled through the catalog and Z39.50 modules of VIRGO, the
Library's SIRSI system.
Reference Instant Messaging
Three libraries -- Alderman, Science and Engineering
Libraries, and Fine Arts -- are participating in a pilot program
using AOL Instant Messenger (IM) for reference chat. The pilot
will run throughout the fall 2004 semester, offering service
Monday through Friday, 11 AM to 5 PM.
Digitization and Media Creation
Electronic Text Center
The E-Text Center develops and maintains most of the library's
collection of electronic texts, including materials in fifteen
languages. Especially notable are the collections of materials
in English and American literature and complete works of major
writers in the history of philosophy. Etext provides training
and project management expertise, access to equipment that
permits the creation and analysis of electronic texts, and a
place in which to use the electronic texts that are not available
Digital Media Lab
The Digital Media Lab of the Robertson Media Center develops
and provides collections of digital images, sound, and video for
use in research and instruction. The Lab offers consulting
services in digital media production and project planning,
hands-on tutorials and short courses, a full array of scanners
and video and audio digitization equipment, and analog editing
Instructional Scanning Services
Instructional Scanning Services is part of a suite of services
maintained by the University Library to support the UVA faculty
in its use of electronic materials for instruction. Primarily,
ISS services take the form of scanning materials into a .PDF
format and uploading them to the Instructor's Toolkit learning
management system as additional readings. ISS also links
materials already in electronic format to the Instructor's
Toolkit, and scans materials for other instructional uses.
Material digitized by Instructional Scanning Services is made
available as electronic course reserves through the Instructor's
Toolkit system. Course number or the instructor's last names are
added into VIRGO records representing physical and electronic
reserves, allowing online searching for all reserves, regardless
of format.
Geospatial & Statistical Data Center
The Geostat Center provides access to a variety of online
spatial and statistical data resources and several offline
electronic data products that can be used in the Center. The GIS
data collection has a particular focus on current and historic
Virginia data. The statistical data collection includes web
resources such as the Inter-university Consortium for Political
and Social Research (ICPSR) and International Financial
Statistics, as well as a variety of homegrown databases providing
web access to federally produced data. Geostat also provides
computing facilities for data manipulation, research, and
instruction, and works closely with faculty and students to train
them in the use of its tools and collections.
Rare Materials Digital Services
Rare Materials Digital Services (RMDS) provides digitization
of primary and secondary materials from the Library's rare
materials to support the teaching and research mission of the
University as well as to increase access to these unique items.
Rare Materials Digital Services also delivers a variety of
digital image collections, including the Holsinger Studio
Collection, the Jackson Davis Collection of African-American
Educational Photographs, UVA Visual History Online, and the
Jefferson Architecture Electronic Archive. RMDS also produces the
Department's online exhibitions.
Digital Library Production Services
DLPS, founded in 2001, is charged with building a sustainable
core digital collection befitting a world-class institution of
higher learning. DLPS strives to create and maintain a
cost-effective, efficient production line for producing
consistent and preservable data.
C. Systems
The University of Virginia Library' s Digital Library Research
and Development Group is continuing to collaborate with Cornell
to develop Fedora under a new $1,400,000 Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation grant awarded in 2004. Phase 2 will focus on the
development of tools, utilities, and new interfaces for creating
objects and submitting content; tools to support migration of
existing digital collections into Fedora; enhancements to better
enable the creation, management, and delivery of distributed,
virtual collections; better integration with 3rd party search
engines; support for alternative search interfaces to the native
Fedora indexes that conform to emerging international standards
such as SRW; development of a set of integrity and management
features; and enabling the creation of peer-to-peer networks of
Fedora repositories. Version 1.0 was released under on May 16,
2003; Version 1.2.1 was released on April 20, 2004.
Central Digital Repository
In March 2002, UVA Library and Cornell University began work
on Fedora™, and, alongside it, UVA began work on its first
phase prototype of a Central Digital Repository. During summer
2003, a first phase prototype public interface was tested for the
repository. Input was solicited across the Library staff on the
design, functionality and usability, as well as suggestions for
improvements and additional functionality. Improvements and
additions were categorized and prioritized, guiding the
development of the interface and disseminators (delivery
programs) for the production Fedora-based repository
implementation. Approximately 10,000 images, over 100 electronic
texts, and over 3,000 UVA Special Collections finding aids have
been loaded into the Repository. Users may search by metadata
across all collection formats, or search full-text in each
individual collection. All images and page image retrieved are
accompanied by menus that allow the user to view the image in an
ImageViewer (zooming, panning, brightness and contrast,
rotating), or collect the image into personal portfolios using
the Digital Object Collector Tool. The first version production
Repository and its end-user interface was released to the UVA
community for its initial experimental year in October, 2004.
Access to content is currently limited to the University of
Digital Object Collector Tool
UVA Library's Object Collector Tool is a Java-based desktop
tool that allows a user to "collect" references to images
(including page images) retrieved via searches of the Central
Digital Repository. Menus that accompany all images initiate the
collection process. An Object Collection window allows a user to
organize images into one or more collection portfolios. The
references to these images can be saved to the user's local drive
or to a mapped network location as an XML file. The Collector
Tool also includes the same ImageViewer (zooming, panning,
rotating) as is available to online users of the Repository. The
Collector Tool can be used to create slides shows for use in the
classroom, or HTML web pages for use as image reserves. The
functionality of the Collector Tool will be expanded to include
the ability to collect electronic texts and additional formats
over time.
Digibook Scanner
With monies earmarked by the University of Virginia
President's Office, Digital Library Production Services was able
to purchase a I2S RGB 10,000 Digibook scanner and Book Restorer
software in August 2003. This top-of-the-line book scanner is
capable of high-resolution color capture of rare and fragile
bound books, and the software performs most aspects of
post-production image manipulation to integrate several processes
into one-stop-shopping. The Digibook is receiving a heavy workout
and staff are clamoring for another to add to production
General Descriptive Modeling Scheme (GDMS)
Development has continued on GDMS, a DTD developed to create
XML files that are structured, annotated descriptions of digital
collections. An infinitely recursive set of structural units:
each may contain a narrative, a descriptive metadata record and
references to, and metadata about, any number of digital
resources. GDMS is being tested in several faculty digital
projects to describe buildings, archeological sites and artworks,
creating structural metadata for digital objects that provide
access to related sets of digital images. GDMS has now been
incorporated into its first production system, serving as the XML
standard used for Art & Architecture objects in the UVA
Library Central Digital repository.
Metadata Specifications: UVA DescMeta and UVA AdminMeta
Development has continued on the UVA DescMeta and AdminMeta by
our Cataloging department and Digital Library Research and
Development. The goal is to produce a local set of descriptive
elements for specifying the intellectual content of digital
resources and administrative elements describing the provenance,
source, rights, and technical specifications of each datastream
in a digital object. Initially derived from the Dublin Core
specification, they have been adapted and extended for local use.
The UVA Library has developed DTDs, crosswalks to other
standards, and use guidelines.
Sirsi Rooms Suite
In 2004-2005 the UVA Libraries are undertaking a trial
implementation of Rooms , which includes three components --
OpenURL Resolver, Single Search, and the Rooms portal software.
Resolver allows OpenURL to be used to locate documents. Sixty to
seventy percent of UVA's current indexing and abstracting tools
can work directly with OpenURL, and the next upgrade to the OPAC
will add OpenURL links into records. As of September 1, 2004, UVA
Library's Resolver, re-dubbed Find@UVa, is available and linked
from a button in over 50 licensed indexing and abstracting
services. SingleSearch is a metasearch tool, which will allow us
to select a group of databases appropriate for a particular
information need - a subject area, a class, or a general search
such as news services or encyclopedias - and search them
simultaneously. Search boxes can be inserted in any Web page.
Rooms is the overall name for the system, but it is also
specifically the name for the Content Management System (CMS) for
managing Web pages from page templates and a database of
resources. Sirsi has turned the name a little and calls Rooms a
context management system to emphasize that searching and other
functions act differently depending on the context. Testing of
the Rooms Builder tool will commence after a version upgrade due
in 2005.
A. Projects
New Project Announcements
American Literature Resources CD-ROM
In 2003-2004 a Mellon Foundation grant to Alan Howard of
American Studies graduate program at UVA and the Institute for
Advanced Technology in the Humanities supported the joint
production with the Library of a CD-ROM containing the Census of
Resources for American Studies and over 200 core American
electronic texts. Some of the texts were digitized by the Library
for the project and addition to the Library's digital
collections. The CD-ROM was distributed overseas through the
United States Information Service.
The Cavalier Daily
Digital Library Production Services and Alderman Library
Reference Services are collaborating on a project to digitize the
entire run of the UVA student newspaper, The Cavalier
Daily. The project is currently in prototype as production
and delivery standards are being developed. The text is being
double-keyboarded by Apex Covantage, Inc.; the digitization is
expected to take 5 years to complete.
Civil Rights Video Archive
This digital archive is based on an extensive collection of 16
mm news footage from the Roanoke TV station, WSLS, now in the UVA
Library collections. The Virginia Center for Digital History and
the Digital Media Lab are collaborating on the digitization and
delivery of selected streaming QuickTime video clips.
Digital Library Content and Course Management Systems: Issues
of Interoperation
UVa Library staff participated in a working group supported by
the Mellon Foundation and the Digital Library Federation to
examine the interaction of digital libraries and learning
management (courseware) systems. To make the most effective use
of digital content in teaching, learning applications need to be
able to easily interoperate with digital repositories so that
teachers and students can discover, access, view, quote, adapt,
and evaluate appropriate learning material. A report was
published in summer 2004 that includes use cases and a checklist
of interoperability functionality and best practices.
Documentary Newsreels Online
During fall 2004 the Robertson Media Center will offer online
versions of nine documentary videos from the premier documentary
distributor, California Newsreel. The videos have been purchased
in support of several classes, principally "Africa in Cinema,"
taught by Professor Kandioura Drame in the Department of French.
These titles are in high demand by students of African culture
and cinema; online distribution will improve access to this
material by the UVA community. This project will be a test case
for the Robertson Media Center, allowing the Library to evaluate
the distribution of motion media over campus networks and giving
us the opportunity to examine the students' degree of acceptance
of this relatively new type of online resource.
Guide to Good Practice: Cataloging Standards for Describing
Cultural Objects and Images
Fine Arts Library staff is participating in a Visual Resources
Association project sponsored by the Digital Library Federation
and the Getty Grant Program to review and evaluate existing data
content standards and current practice in order to compile a
manual that may be used to describe, document, and catalog
cultural objects and their visual surrogates.
Production Workflow Good Practices
UVA Library staff are participating in a Digital Library
Federation initiative to document workflow designs, file-naming
choices, lessons learned, and software used or developed.
Spanish Film Project
Contemporary film can serve as a very effective tool in
foreign language instruction and films from the Robertson Media
Center collection are frequently used for that purpose. Professor
David Gies proposed to create an on-line collection of short
digitized clips from Spanish films, each to be accompanied by
transcripts, downloadable activities, and a visual dictionary of
words and phrases. From later June to early July 2004, fifteen
Spanish language teachers from around Virginia selected and
translated clips from Spanish films, created lesson plans and
activities, and assembled a database of words, definitions, and
images that will comprise the on-line dictionary. The resource is
being tested with UVA and Virginia high school instructors and
students during the 2004-2005 school year to guide development
for the next two years of the project.
Update on Existing Projects
Building an American Studies Information Community
This project, funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, was
completed in 2004. The project focused on building the
infrastructure for an information community by concentrating on
collections and tools that are particularly useful to scholars
and students studying American Culture. A portal website was
developed that includes annotated directories and a threaded
discussion list. As part of the project over two dozen volumes
related to westward exploration were digitized for the
collections and delivered through the Information Community site
as a Repository testbed. A related project included the
harvesting of approximately 100,000 records from 18 OAI (Open
Archives Initiative) repositories for analysis, which led to the
development of a thesaurus of subject and geographic terms with
which an aggregated search interface can be built. Mappings were
also developed for the ingestion of harvested OAI records into a
Fedora repository.
The Cambridge Scholarly Edition of the Works of Ben
In collaboration with David Gants, the Electronic Text Center
and Rare Materials Digital Services are helping to produce a
scholarly electronic edition of the Ben Jonson first folio and
quarto. The publication and form of this edition is still under
Clotel: A Scholarly Electronic Edition
Production on a scholarly electronic edition comprising four
versions of William Wells Brown’s novel (the
“first” African-American novel), produced in
collaboration with Christopher Mulvey of University College
Winchester (formerly King Alfred's College), has been completed
and will soon be available through the Electronic Imprint of the
University of Virginia Press.
Middle High German Interlinked
A $250,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF)
supported the digitization of over 100 medieval German texts and
several related dictionaries by the University of Virginia
Library and the University of Trier, Germany. The project is
scheduled for completion in late 2004.
Page Barbour Lectures: B.F. Skinner’s Lectures on
“A Technology of Behavior,” 1959
These audio tapes, housed in UVA Library’s Special
Collections, are being converted by the Digital Media Lab to
digital sound files for online delivery.
Supporting Digital Scholarship
The Supporting Digital Scholarship project has completed its
third year and issued its final report. The project was developed
jointly by Library and the Institute for Advanced Technology in
the Humanities (IATH) to investigate the implications of
collecting digital scholarly projects into a digital library, and
funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The
premise of the project is that scholars, given the resources and
the support needed, create digital projects that are more like
virtual museum exhibitions than like books. These projects
usually include large collections of digital versions of primary
resources with a network of complex interrelationships interwoven
with original scholarly commentary. A number of Library staff
participated in both the Technical and the Policy committees. The
final report is available at the URL below. The report discusses
the technical problems encountered in collecting selections from
the Rossetti Archive (http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/rossetti/),
the Salisbury Project (http://www.iath.virginia.edu/salisbury/),
the Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library (http://www.thdl.org/), and the
Pompeii Forum Project (http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/pompeii/),
and policy implications for the Library in collecting such
TEI/NEH Task Force on SGML to XML Migration
Text Encoding Initiative-sponsored international working group
has completed its survey of current practice in application of
the TEI encoding scheme, in particular with respect to the usage
of SGML in electronic repositories. The group has reported on
technical, organizational, or other challenges and opportunities
presented by the conversion of legacy data to P4 XML format; and
proposed migration strategies and practices.
B. Programs
Content Management Services
Acquisitions, Cataloging, Digital Access Services, and Digital
Library Production Services have been reorganized into a new division of the Library that
covers acquisition, production, description, and delivery of all
Library content.
Digital Research and Instructional Services
The Electronic Text Center, Geospatial & Statistical Data
Center, and Rare Materials Digital Services have been reorganized
into a new division of the Library that supports the production
and use of digital content for research and instruction.
Collection of Digital Scholarship
The UVA Library sees it as vital that we collect and preserve
digital scholarship. To that end, the Library is developing
assessment standards and workflows through which subject
librarians will review and select digital faculty research
projects for processing and formal addition into the Library's
collections. This requires the development of standards and
processes for technical assessment of works alongside the more
traditional assessment of their content, as well as the
development of deposit agreements between the Library and faculty
to collect and deliver their digital research. A companion issue
is the development of holistic production and metadata standards
that apply to the Library production and to production of digital
projects by the greater UVA community.
Encoding and Enforcement of Access Restrictions
UVA would like to be able to apply community standards to the
encoding of rights, and to establish a policy for the use of a
digital object that could be matched with the characteristics of
the user making the request. Under consideration is the use of a
digital certificate to authenticate the user coupled with a set
of policies for either the objects and/or their components.
Scalability of Production
UVA is looking at the development of more efficient and
effective workflows for digital content production, encompassing
new local production, processing of licensed content for local
mounting, and migration of legacy content to new standards and
delivery systems.
Publications and Presentations
- Bauman, Syd, Alejandro Bia, Lou Burnard, Tomaz Erjavek,
Christine Ruotolo, and Susan Schriebman. "Migrating Language
Resources from SGML to XML: the Text Encoding Initiative
Recommendations." In Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (2004):
- Grizzle, Ronda. "Fedora
and the Digital Library Architecture at UVA." 2003 Virginia
Library Association Meeting.
- Grizzle, Ronda, Ross Wayland, Ross, and Chris Wilper.
"Introduction to Fedora and its Applications --
Basic Concepts and
Content Models." 2004 Joint Conference on Digital
- Johnston, Leslie. "
Digital Library Services at the University of Virginia
Library." LITA 2003 National Forum.
- Johnston, Leslie. "
Fedora and Repository Development at UVA." 2003 DASER
- Johnston, Leslie. "
Digital Repository Interoperability with Learning Systems."
Spring 2004 Coalition for Networked Information Task Force
Meeting, and Spring 2004 Digital Library Federation Forum.
- Manafy, Michelle.
"This Fedora’s Big Enough for Any DAM Project."
EContent Magazine (October 2003).
- Roland, Perry. "Design Patterns in XML Music Representation."
2003 ISMIR Conference.
- Roland, Perry. "The Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) DTD."
2003 MUSICNETWORK Workshop.
- Ruotolo, Christine. "Recommendations of the TEI Task Force on
SGML to XML Migration." 2004 ALLC/ACH Conference.
- Thomas, Judith. "Digital
Video, the Final Frontier." Library Journal (January
15, 2004).
- Thomas, Judith and Michael Tuite. "News from the Wild
Frontier: Digital Video in the Library." LITA 2003 National
- Thomas, Judith and Michael Tuite. "Collecting
Digital Video." Spring 2004 Digital Library Federation
- Staples, Thornton. "
The Fedora Project." LITA 2003 National Forum.
- Staples, Thornton. "
Early Development Experiences with Fedora." 2003 EDUCAUSE
- Staples, Thornton. "A
Digital Library Architecture for UVA." Spring 2004 Digital
Library Federation Forum.
Policies, Documentation, and Reports
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Copyright © 2004 Digital Library Federation. All rights reserved.
Last updated:
Tuesday, July 19, 2022