University Libraries
Report to the Digital Library Federation
Spring, 2004
I. Collections, services, and systems
II. Projects and programs
I. Collections, Services, and Systems
A. Collections
Current Material
- Licensed Electronic Collections. In
March 2003, The Libraries completed a year-long project to
upgrade its 1997-vintage LibraryWeb publishing system for
current, licensed electronic resources. Our new, more powerful
process now involves extraction of records for ejournal and
electronic reference tools directly from our online catalog,
loading into the enterprise SQL system (currently IBM's dB2
product) that acts as our
Master Metadata File (found at
), and the generation of real-time lookup and browse
functionality. This enhanced system allows us to create
interfaces and retrieval methods that are optimized for
electronic resources in a way that cannot yet be done in our
online catalog; it also provides a bibliographic knowledge base
that will be used for other types of value added services, such
as database advisers, research guides, and quick
Columbia Eresources working page) at
- Columbia
Interactive, a gateway to selected electronic learning
resources developed by Columbia faculty now includes a database
of more than 2,000 freely-available digital resources including
class Web sites and learning tools. (
ci.columbia.edu) at
- Columbia
Educational Resources Online is a collection of approximately
100 "E-seminars", three to five hour online classes, that bring
together a professor's instruction with supplemental teaching
tools in History, International Affairs, Public Health, and
Science. Teaching tools include primary texts, interactive maps
and timelines, simulations and animations. E-seminars are often
taught by the most distinguished faculty of the University and
incorporate videos of lectures delivered on campus. The
collection is available through license.
cero.columbia.edu) at
- Columbia American History Online
(CAHO) is a subscription-based collection of resources
designed for students and teachers at the high-school and college
levels. CAHO integrates curricular materials, such as
document-based questions, simulations, and teaching activities
with e-seminars derived from four semester-length Columbia
courses: Intellectual and Cultural History of the United States,
1890-1945 (Casey Blake), America Since 1945 (Alan Brinkley),
Slavery and Emancipation (Eric Foner), The History of the City of
New York (Kenneth Jackson)
caho.columbia.edu) at
Historical & Specialized Collections
- Advanced
Papyrological Information System (APIS). The APIS project,
for which Columbia is currently the technology host, completed
its Phase III in March 2003 and was funded by NEH for an
additional two-year grant beginning in July. At the end of Phase II, there were
approximately 19,000 metadata records, some 3400 of which have
translations, and 16,000 unique digital images. Phase III
brought two new papyrus collections into APIS (U. of Toronto and
Washington University). It also included a complete rewrite of
the APIS search and retrieval application and a migration of the
database to a new, more current metadata platform using
Master Metadata File version 2, found at
APIS Public Home Page at
Columbia APIS working page at
- Bunraku
Puppet Theater Collection. The Barbara C. Adachi Bunraku
Collection was donated by Ms. Adachi to Columbia University's C.
V. Starr East Asian Library in 2000. This extensive collection
documents the significant post-World War II revival of popular
interest in bunraku, a type of traditional Japanese puppet
theater. The collection spans the 1960s through the 1990s and
consists of more than 12,500 slides and nearly 7,000
black-and-white photographs of rehearsals, performances, and
workshops, as well as theater programs in Japanese and English,
texts of the plays performed, and audio and video recordings of
interviews with masters of the modern Japanese puppet theater.
A selection of the images from this collection have been
digitized and made available while additional funding is being
sought for a more comprehensive project.
Bunraku Collection Public Home Page at
Columbia Bunraku Project working page at
- Digital
Anthropological Resources for Teaching (DART). DART is a
partnership with the London School of Economics, funded jointly
by the NSF (US) and the JISC (UK). Four postdoctoral Fellows, two
in each partner Anthropology department, are developing digital
collections to support teaching at the undergraduate level. The
project is exploring the differences between the institutions
both in the study and teaching of Anthropology and in our
technology approaches. We will identify and hopefully address
scalability issues in the existing Columbia technical
infrastructure for acquisition, cataloging, and automated tools
for site generation and conceptual navigation.
- Digital
Scriptorium. The Digital Scriptorium project, funded chiefly
by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities,
completed its most recent grant period in 2003. The database
includes images and cataloging for the holdings of Berkeley and
Columbia as well as additional holdings from the Huntington
Library, the University of Texas, Austin, the New York Public
Library along with those of a number of smaller collections. As
of July 2003, the Digital Scriptorium includes some 4,000 catalog
records and 15,000 digitized images. Columbia has submitted a
grant application to NEH to allow for expansion of the database's
content with additional key U.S. research library holdings and
migration to an updated and enhanced technology and metadata
Scriptorium Public Home Page at http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Scriptorium/
-- Columbia
Digital Scriptorium working page at http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/projects/ds/)
- Greene
& Greene Virtual Archive. The "Greene & Greene
Virtual Archive" — a joint project of The Gamble House/USC,
Berkeley and Columbia and funded by the Getty Foundation —
was completed in June 2003. Its objective was the creation of a
scholarly web site presenting architectural drawings and
photographs by Charles and Henry Greene, American Arts and Crafts
movement architects working in the early 20th century. Cataloging
(in the form of archival finding aids) and images were
contributed by Columbia, Berkeley, and the Huntington Library;
Berkeley is providing technical support for the metadata
compilation and web presentation.
& Greene Virtual Archive Website at http://www.usc.edu/dept/architecture/greeneandgreene/--
Columbia Greene & Greene WebSite at
- John Jay
Papers. The two-year "Papers of John Jay" project, funded by
a $150,000 grant from NEH and supplementary contributions from the
Florence Gould Foundation and the Columbia Libraries' Friends
fund, was completed in April 2003. It provides an online index to
all known documents written by or to John Jay, 1745-1829, one of
America's 'founding fathers,' a distinguished statesmen and a
graduate of Columbia, then King's College. The project includes
the creation of a searchable database of descriptive metadata
— including abstracts — at the item level for all of
the approximately 13,400 unique letters, memos, diaries, etc. in
the collection. Some 100,000 page images will be scanned as 8-bit
grayscale TIFFs at 300 dpi and linked to the metadata records.
Additional enhancements to database content and functionality are
underway and will be completed Fall 2003.
(Jay Papers Public Home Page at
Columbia Jay Papers Project working page at
Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts. Columbia's
Medieval Renaissance Collection is the first virtual collection
to be mounted in the Columbia's local implementation of the
Luna Insight® system at
. It will contain cataloging and selected images for all the ca.
1400 medieval and renaissance manuscripts held by the numerous
libraries of Columbia University. Approximately 4,000 images will
be included initially.
These manuscripts represent both documentary (or archival)
sources and those that are or began their lives as books.
Descriptions are schematic; chosen images range from one to 123
per manuscript, with an average of six images per codex. Under
the name, Digital
Scriptorium at
http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/projects/ds/, but
without the "Insight" interface, the same Columbia descriptions
and images, as well as those of a number of other institutions
are available at:
Columbia Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts Project working
Page at
- Joseph Urban Theatre Collection. The
Joseph Urban Stage Design Models and Documents stabilization and
access project, funded by a $207,289 from NEH will preserve 240
three-dimensional stage models created by Joseph Urban for New
York theaters between 1914-1933, including productions for the
Ziegfeld Follies, the Metropolitan Opera, and a variety of
Broadway theaters. The project will also create and link digital
images of related stage design documents and drawings to the
existing online finding aid.
Urban Theatre Collection Working Page) at
B. Services
- National
Science Digital Library (NSDL). Columbia participates in the
NSF-funded NSDL Core Integration team. Our work focuses on
developing sustainability models and a scalable access management
system for the library. For the latter, we have been active
developers of the Internet-2 Shibboleth system, have worked with
NSDL collections and commercial publishers on their pilots of the
software, and have integrated Shibboleth into the central NSDL
portal (uPortal framework).
- Online Cost
and Use Evaluation. This project, funded by the Andrew W.
Mellon foundation, is exploring how digital resources are
affecting the overall scholarly communications process, in terms
of cost throughout the life cycle of the publication process; how
the use of these resources is affecting qualitatively and
quantitatively the research and teaching patterns of scholars and
students; and the financial models that will allow for
sustainability of these products over the long term.
BorrowDirect. The "Borrow Direct" rapid
book request and delivery service was expanded beyond its
original three members (Columbia, Penn and Yale) in the fall of
2002. The service now provides access to the circulating
collections of seven libraries: Brown, Columbia, Cornell,
Dartmouth, Penn, Princeton and Yale. The system runs on Dynix's
URSA software, with a central server maintained at Yale and
project coordination at Penn. Users search a virtual catalog
that checks shelf status and filters out non-circulating items.
Target time from online request to notification for pick up is
four working days or less. The service is increasingly popular:
between October 2002 and June 2003 more than 55,000 items were
borrowed/lent by members, with an average fill rate of 84.5%.
Approximately half of Columbia's interlibrary borrowing is now
filled by Borrow Direct, with the remainder being handled through
ILL Manager and "traditional" mediated ILL.
- Online
'Ask Us Now' Columbia Libraries' on-line reference
service began operation in May 2002. Since that time, reference
librarians from Columbia, Barnard, and Teachers College libraries
have staffed the service, responding to over 1,000 questions from
affiliated students, faculty, and staff from the three
institutions. Ask Us Now is available to anyone with a
valid Columbia e-mail ID and password, and is available via any
World Wide Web connection, on or off campus. The service hours
are 1-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Beginning February 24,
Ask Us Now switched to software from Live Assistance (http://www.liveassistance.com//).
This software extended the availability of the service to users
of Macintosh and Linux operating systems and to a greater variety
of Internet browsers, and enhanced the speed of
Ask Us Now FAQ) at
- Institutional Repository / DSpace
Planning. Columbia Libraries, the Electronic Publishing
Initiative at Columbia (EPIC) & Academic Information Systems
have been active in institutional repository work. Over the last
year, we have been participating in the initial development of
the DSpace federation. Technical work includes the integration of
local access management, workflow, and acquisition systems into
the DSpace software. More generally, we are investigating policy
and process options for a Columbia Institutional repository,
without regard to particular software. This includes projects
that have mediated, unmediated, and 'curated' methods for
contribution; electronic publishing projects; course management
projects (course reserves); a campus wide image repository; and a
long-term digital archiving plan.
C. Systems
- Semantic
Indexing. Several discovery and navigation applications are
now based on ISO 13250 topic-maps. Columbia has developed tools
to edit these data structures and to generate several kinds of
web navigation and indexes from them.
- Workflow
Tools have been developed to manage deposit and track digital
asset life cycle, progressively attaching metadata while
enforcing approval processes, from rights clearance, to
descriptive metadata (editorial), to technical and structural
metadata (production and deployment).
- Metadata
framework. This system stores and converts metadata, allowing
libraries of digital resources to be reused in a variety of ways.
It can enforce conformance to custom or standard metadata schemas
and can represent multiple hierarchies and structural
server. An OAI server is currently serving Earth Science
metadata as part of our participation in the National Science
Digital Library. Over the next year we plan to add records from
several other collections to this server.
- Endeavor Voyager Implementation
Columbia Libraries implemented Endeavor's Voyager system on
July 7, 2003. Columbia worked with the vendor to
successfully integrate Voyager's authorization system with the
standard campus authentication system (LDAP). The
Voyager system replaces the Libraries' previous NOTIS-based
system, implemented in 1989.
II. Projects & Programs
- Libraries
Digital Program Division. Columbia Libraries and Information
Services have established a new Digital Program Division to
advance digital technology tools and resources at the Libraries.
The Division, launched in September 2002, consists of seven staff
members, bringing together programmers and specialists already
working on digital projects elsewhere in the Libraries’
organization and creating three additional positions. Stephen P.
Davis, previously director of Columbia’s Library Systems
Office, is the Director of the new division.
In the near term the Libraries
Program will focus on three main areas: developing new tools to
improve access to, and enhance the use of published electronic
resources required for University teaching and scholarship;
creating innovative scholarly tools and new digital presentations
from Columbia Libraries’ archival and special collections
and collaborating with other research libraries and institutions
where appropriate; and implementing a plan for the long-term
archiving and preservation of Columbia’s digital content by
developing institutional and other types of digital repositories.
A key goal of the program is to acquire or develop a manageable,
scalable and robust software systems platform to deliver digital
library resources to the University and scholarly
Press Release at
Home Page at http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/units/ldpd/
- ‘New
Media’ Center Joins Libraries. In January 2003, the
Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) joined the
University's Information Services Division, which also includes
the University Libraries as well as the Electronic Publishing
Initiative at Columbia (EPIC), the Center for Research on
Information Access (CRIA), and Academic Information Systems
(AcIS). The move of CCNMTL to the Information Services Division
signals the University's commitment to the Center as an important
educational and research unit at Columbia. (
Press Release, 1/31/03 at
CCNMTL Home Page at http://ccnmtl.columbia.edu/
Computational Linguistics for Metadata Building Project
(CLIMB). In April 2002, The Center for Research on
Information Access (CRIA) at the Columbia University Libraries
received a $542,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
for the "Computational Linguistics for Metadata Building Project"
(CLiMB). This project brings together the most recent
developments in natural language processing and applies them to
the problems of automatically extracting metadata from
A two-year research project, CLIMB proposes to develop
innovative uses of computational linguistic techniques for the
identification and extraction of descriptive metadata with the
purpose of improving access to image collections. The strategy
proposed has the potential to provide rich, subject-oriented
indexing for large image collections that would otherwise be
prohibitively expensive to describe and index using manual
techniques. A further advantage of the approach is that the
descriptive metadata generated may be derived from authoritative
scholarship in a way not normally feasible in standard cataloging
Website at http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cria/climb/
- New Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
A full-time GIS librarian position has been created in the
Electronic Data Service (EDS) in order to expand the services
offered in support of instruction and research that involve
geo-spatial data. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software
and the supporting manuals have long been available in the EDS
computer lab. Last year, through the EDS web site, ESRI online
tutorials in the use of ArcGIS and ArcView software were made
available to the Columbia community. Currently spatial files are
being added to the EDS data collection and the EDS computer lab
has expanded.
Please send comments or suggestions.
Last updated:
© 2004, Digital library Federation, Council on Library and Information Resources