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Cornell University Library
Report to the Digital Library Federation
January 15, 2002


  • Collections, services, and systems
  • Projects and programs
  • Specific digital library challenges

    I. Collections, services, and systems

    A. Collections

    1. Primarily text

    City of New York, Office of Collective Bargaining Decisions
    The Martin P. Catherwood Library at Cornell's School of Industrial & Labor Relations, by special arrangement, makes collective bargaining decisions from this New York City agency available full-text in a searchable archive. The Office of Collective Bargaining is an impartial, tri-partite agency created by local law as authorized by the New York State's Taylor Law. It was established by the City of New York after negotiations and agreement with unions representing City employees. The OCB provides assistance to management (the City), and labor (unions representing city employees) in resolving their differences.

    Computer Science Technical Reports
    The Computer Science Technical Reports is a collection of 2100 technical reports produced by students, faculty and staff of the Cornell University Computer Science Department. Spanning a period from 1995 to the present, this is a searchable collection which was sponsored originally by the Computer Science Department and are now supported by Library Systems. New functionality is planned for this collection to enhance viewing and searching.

    Core Historical Literature in Agriculture (CHLA)
    A companion compilation to the Making of America database, CHLA is a core electronic collection of agricultural texts published between the early nineteenth century and middle to late twentieth century. Full-text materials cover agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, crops and their protection, food science, forestry, rural sociology, and soil science. Scholars have selected titles in this collection for their historical importance. The collection includes 825 full-text monographs with over 300,000 scanned pages. Five journals will be added to the collection this year. Ultimately CHLA will have the full text of more than 2,000 monographs and 150 journal titles.

    Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR)
    CUGIR is an active online repository providing geospatial data and metadata for New York State from the collections of Mann Library, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Soil Information Systems Laboratory at Cornell and other state and local agencies, with special emphasis on those natural features relevant to agriculture, ecology, natural resources, and human-environment interactions. All data files are cataloged in accordance with FGDC standards and made available in widely used geospatial data formats. Datasets that can be downloaded include: agricultural districts, census block groups, county boundaries, freshwater wetlands, hydrography, topographic quadrangle raster graphs and landmarks. Metadata records in CUGIR are converted into MARC format and shared with other libraries worldwide. With funding from the Federal Geographic Data Committee, CUGIR will begin to allow online mapping via web browsers.

    The Martin P. Catherwood Library at Cornell's School of Industrial & Labor Relations collects key materials on workplace issues by special arrangement with government offices, commissions, task forces, and non-governmental associations. The Electronic Archive has established itself as a unique repository for materials that encompass any and all aspects of the employer-employee relationship. Many items, like the Glass Ceiling Commission materials, are officially archived at this site. Researchers can rely on these items remaining available for years to come. Access is free to the public.

    Ezra Cornell Materials
    The papers of Ezra Cornell include over 30,000 scanned pages from letters, diaries, photographs, documents, and publications, and represent the Cornell University Library's first effort to make a large manuscript collection digitally available.

    Historic Monograph Collection
    441 monographs that were originally scanned in the 1990s as part of a joint digital preservation research project with Cornell University Library and Xerox are now available for online viewing. These books are part of a group of materials that included the Historical Monographs in Mathematics, Cornell Dissertations, New York State Historical Literature, and Core Historical Literature of Agriculture.

    Historic Monographs in Mathematics
    The Cornell University Historic Math Collection consists of 571 books that were scanned from originals held by the Cornell University Library. The Math collection is a result of a collaboration between Cornell University and Xerox Corporation, with the support of the Commission on Preservation and Access, to test an advanced technology for scanning deteriorating books as digital images and producing on-demand, high quality paper copies.

    Making of America (MOA)
    The MOA project is a multi-institutional initiative to create and make accessible over the Internet a distributed digital library of important materials on the history of the United States. The project represents a major collaborative endeavor in preservation and electronic access to historical texts. The Cornell University Library and the University of Michigan libraries cooperated in the initial phase of MOA, which has been funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and The Charles E. Culpepper Foundation. This site provides access to 267 monographs and over 100,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints.

    New York State Historical Literature Collection
    653 monographs and pamphlets that were originally scanned in the 1990s as part of a joint digital preservation research project with Cornell University Library and Xerox are now available for online viewing. These books are part of a group of materials that included the Historical Monographs in Mathematics, Cornell Dissertations, New York State Historical Literature, and Core Historical Literature of Agriculture.

    SagaNet provides digital access to the central corpus of the Icelandic Saga literature. Scholars and researchers worldwide are able to access online full texts/images of Icelandic saga literature and epics, handwritten and printed. This large scale digital collection has been created through the combined efforts of the National and University Library of Iceland, the Arni Magnusson Institute in Iceland, and Cornell University Library, which owns the Fiske Icelandic Collection. SagaNet servers are installed in both Iceland and Ithaca.

    USDA Economics and Statistics System
    The USDA Economics and Statistics System (ESS) is a dynamic partnership between Mann Library and the USDA to provide the public with fast and free electronic access to vital agricultural information via the World-Wide Web. In the past, the old print publication format of USDA documents required several days or longer for delivery to end-users. Through its ESS service Mann Library makes close to 300 data files available to the public within minutes after their release from three USDA economic agencies (Economic Research Service, National Agricultural Statistics Service, and the World Agricultural Outlook Board.) These materials cover U.S. and international agriculture and related topics. Users can browse and download data from the ESS site or they register with Mann's USDA Reports by Subscription service to receive specific electronic reports automatically upon their release by the USDA.

    2. Primarily visual image

    Beautiful Birds: Masterpieces from the Hill Ornithology Collection
    Beautiful Birds traces the development of ornithological illustration in the 18th and 19th centuries and highlights the changing techniques - from metal and wood engraving to chromolithography - during that period. This site highlights Cornell University Library's Hill Ornithology Collection, which chronicles the pre-1900 development of ornithology as a science, and depicts the growth of bird illustration as an art form, with particular concern for comprehensiveness in North American ornithology.

    Contemporary African Artists Database
    This database is the result of a Rockefeller and Ford Foundation funded initiative designed to document and disseminate contemporary African art, as well as promote networking between African artists and art institutions. The computerized database will also be used to generate a series of bio-bibliographic dictionaries. The database is classified by country and will include artists who have been working since the 1920's, in addition to important artists from earlier dates. Both database and printed volumes will include sections on public and private art museums, galleries, archives, collections, art schools, and other resources relevant to each country. In conjunction with Salah Hassan, Associate Professor in Africana Studies and the History of Art departments at Cornell University, and the John Henrik Clarke Africana Library, Cornell Institute for Digital Collections (CIDC) is providing infrastructure and systems support for the Contemporary African Artists Database (CAAD) project. CIDC staff developed a database that is used to organize and characterize information about the artists, such as artistic genre and media, nationality, and exhibitions. The contemporary African artists database is accessible via the web for searching. In addition, authorized users can update and add to the database via the web site. CIDC has linked up to five representative images to the database record for each artist, thus providing a sample of the artist's work.

    Fantastic in Art and Fiction
    Graphic material from the Cornell witchcraft collections provides an unusual and rarely seen counterpoint to a comparative literature course analyzing German, Anglo-American, French, and Latin-American works from the late 18th century to the present. The project is a model for new and unusual ways of incorporating digitized resources into teaching.

    Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Museum On-Line
    Over 16,000 images of works of art contained within the Johnson Museum of Art are currently available for viewing using Luna Imaging's Insight(r) software which allows for several display and database search options. Cornell's art repository includes paintings, prints, sculptures, and published graphical images (woodcuts, etc.). By putting the collection on-line, students, faculty, visitors, and users on the Internet have been able to electronically explore and research the collection from their home, office, or one of the workstations in the museum. Users can learn about artists and their works, and use Insight tools to view high quality images and groups of images.

    Icelandic and Faroese Photographs of Frederick W. W. Howell
    The photographs of Iceland and the Faeroes by Frederick W.W. Howell, along with photographs of Iceland by Henry A. Perkins and Magn�s �lafsson, comprise an important visual record of Icelandic and Faroese life and landscapes at the close of the 19th century. This project makes available through Luna Insight(r) some four hundred images contained in six albums in the Fiske Icelandic Collection. The work constitutes a first phase in efforts to make similarly available nearly all photographs in the Fiske Collection, to elaborate on historical information associated with each photograph and to create collaborative initiatives of this thematic nature with Icelandic and other institutions. Several paths of access to the Icelandic and Faroese Photographs of Frederick W. W. Howell will be available, including the Fiske Icelandic Collection home page.

    Louis Agassiz Fuertes Image Database and Guide to Papers
    Louis Agassiz Fuertes is a native of Ithaca, New York and the nation's most notable ornithological painter since Audubon. Cornell University holds a large collection of Fuertes' bird illustrations, as well as his personal papers. Here, you will find a database with 2500 of these illustrations and a guide to the Louis Agassiz Fuertes Papers from 1892-1954, respectively:


    New York State School of Human Ecology: Historical Photographs
    This collection contains over fourteen hundred photographs of students and faculty, buildings and scenes that portray the College from its founding through 1969.

    Utopia is a database of images of European Renaissance art, primarily from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It is a joint project of Cornell's History of Art Department, College of Arts and Sciences, the Knight Visual Resources Facility, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, and the Rare and Manuscript Collections of the Cornell University Library. The collection is now accessible to members of the Cornell community using Luna Insight software at:

    3. Multimedia

    Death of the Father
    This project took a multimedia approach to examining the closure of political authority following the death of such patriarchal figures as Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini. An international team of anthropologists worked with the Cornell University Library to develop a web site that integrated text, digital images, audio and film clips from totalitarian regimes in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, Japan, Romania, and Yugoslavia.

    Global Performing Arts Database (GloPAD)
    GloPAD is a development of GloPAC, the Global Performing Arts Consortium: a group of organizations and individuals committed to providing interactive, multimedia and multilingual tools to enable people everywhere to explore the diversity and depth of the world's performing arts. Performing Arts Databases (PADs) are being developed that include images, sound and video clips of performing arts with detailed descriptions in standardized formats to enable effective cross-cultural searching. GloPAD has grown significantly over the past year with particularly important additions of digitized material from the St. Petersburgh State Museum of Theatre and Music. A new interface for the database was created and a browse function now complements the already existing search mode. Funding is currently being sought to further this work. See the site below for a description of the project and a list of sponsoring partners, participating organizations, supporting organizations, and participating individuals:

    4. Portals, Exhibits, Mirrors, Preprint Servers, E-Journals, etc.

    125 Years of Achievement: The History of Cornell's College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
    One hundred and twenty-five years ago Andrew Dickson White, the first president of Cornell University, challenged the Board of Trustees to establish a new program to provide formal academic training in architecture. This exhibition honors the faculty and students who have fulfilled Andrew Dickson White's aspirations and is a fitting tribute to the achievements of the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. It draws on a wealth of original sources documenting the history of the College, housed in the University Archives.

    Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)
    AgNIC provides agricultural information collected by the National Agricultural Library (NAL), land-grant universities and other governmental and non-governmental agricultural organizations. It is an Internet portal to agricultural information that provides both subject content and expertise in agricultural topics. Materials are accessible via World Wide Web and include full text reports and articles as well as statistical and other data. Staff at the Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University, worked with the National Agricultural Library to develop a new technical infrastructure for a consortium of land-grant institutions. The new infrastructure improves the functionality, interoperability, and public interface for the more than 25 institutions participating in the alliance.

    ArXiv.org E-print Server
    ArXiv.org is a fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for research papers in physics and related disciplines, mathematics, computer science and cognitive science. The service, started in 1991 and formerly hosted by Los Alamos National Laboratory, was acquired by Cornell in September 2001. Users and authors interact with the arXiv using a web interface, using ftp, or using e-mail. Authors can update their submissions if they choose, though previous versions remain available. Users can also register to automatically receive an email listing of newly submitted papers in areas of interest to them.

    Beautiful Birds: Masterpieces from the Hill Ornithology Collection Exhibit
    The online exhibition depicts the history of ornithological illustration, with links leading to more detailed information and other images available for viewing.

    Cornell University Library Gateway
    The Cornell University Library Gateway is the on-line doorway to the Library: the items on our shelves and the ever expanding collection of digital resources.

    CTHEORY Multimedia
    CTHEORY Multimedia is a journal of web based interactive art grouped around a common conceptual theme. The site complements CTHEORY, an existing electronic review of theory, techno-culture and society. The Cornell Library is providing staff and systems necessary to publish and maintain networked availability of the CTHEORY Multimedia site. The first issue of CTHEORY Multimedia published at Cornell appeared in spring, 2001. This issue addressed the theme of "Tech Flesh: The Promise and Perils of the Humane Genome Project." The next issue is scheduled for February 2002 and will address the theme of "Wired Ruins: Ethnic Terror and Digital Paranoia".

    Death Penalty Web Site
    In collaboration with the Cornell Law School Death Penalty project, the Law Library makes available a variety of resources devoted to the subject.

    French Revolution Collections: Web Exhibits and Guides
    Cornell University's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections holds three major collections of French Revolutionary papers, most notably those of the Marquis de Lafayette, as well as the papers of Benoiste La Forte, and Naval Minister Comte de Maurepas. Processing of the papers and creation of the web exhibits were made possible by a grant from a United States Department of Education Title II-C Grant: "Strengthening Research Library Resources."

    From Domesticity to Modernity: What Was Home Economics? Exhibit
    In celebration of the New York State College of Human Ecology's Centennial, this exhibition emphasizes how home economics at Cornell University served as a critical bridge from domesticity in the 19th century to modernity in the 20th century and attempts to answer the question: What was home economics?

    The Law Library collaborated with Cornell Information Technologies and the Hein Publishing Company in making historical law reviews available over the Internet, both in image form for authenticity, as well as uncorrected OCR text to allow for manipulation of the text.

    International Court of Justice Web Mirror Site
    In partnership with the International Court of Justice, the Cornell Law Library created the first official Web site for the Court, and was instrumental in the Court starting its own official Web site. The Law Library makes available for the Americas complete and simultaneous access to the full-text decisions, documents, and other materials produced by the World Court. The Law Library captures this information twice a year in order to archive the entire Web collection as presented at a given time. This ensures permanent access in Web format in a way similar to the various editions of a print publication.

    International Labor Organization Web Mirror Site
    In partnership with the International Labor Office in Geneva, Switzerland, the Cornell Law Library makes available for the Americas complete and simultaneous access to the full text reports, documents, and other materials produced by this distinguished organization. The Law Library intends to capture this information twice a year, in order to archive the entire Web collection as presented at a given time. This ensures permanent access in Web format in a way similar to the various editions of a print publication.

    Invention and Enterprise: Ezra Cornell, a Nineteenth Century Life Exhibit
    This exhibition is primarily based on the letters, diaries, photographs, documents, and publications in the Ezra Cornell Papers, in the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections of the Cornell University Library. Additional items are from the Johnson Art Museum and the College of Engineering (Cornell University).

    L. A. Fuertes: The Harriman Alaska Expedition Exhibit
    This site highlights a journal that Louis Agassiz Fuertes kept during the Harriman Alaska Expedition. In the summer of 1899, railroad magnate Edward H. Harriman funded a scientific expedition along the Alaskan coast. The expedition, intended initially as a family vacation, gathered an illustrious group of scientists, writers and artists, and combined scientific research with leisure activities.

    Paper, Leather, Clay and Stone: The Written Word Materialized Exhibit
    The visual and tactile aspects of the written word are explored in this exhibition which reflects a common commitment to teaching interconnections in history, and its written, visual, and material culture to college and high school audiences. Most objects in the exhibition are from the collections of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, except for a few notable items generously lent by members of the community.

    Permanent Court of Arbitration Web Site
    The Law Library cooperates with the Permanent Court of Arbitration, in the Hague, the Netherlands, in making several of their documents available.

    Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) Mirror
    Cornell University Library houses a live mirror of PROLA. PROLA is The American Physical Society's Physical Review Online Archive. PROLA is the concrete expression of APS's commitment to ensuring the immediate and long-term accessibility all journal content that we publish. We have an agreement with the Library of Congress establishing a repository of all PROLA material.

    Project Euclid
    Project Euclid is Cornell's principle electronic publishing initiative whose mission is to advance affordable scholarly communication in the field of theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics. The end result is a vibrant online information community that is based on a healthy balance of commercial enterprises, scholarly societies, and independent publishers. Project Euclid's goal is to help independent journal publishers in making the transition to the online environment in a way that helps them stay competitive with the large commercial journals. Euclid complies with the Open Archive Initiative. This cooperative venture between the Cornell University Library and Duke University Press is funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Exhibit
    This multimedia online exhibit that presents original documents on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of March 25, 1911 in New York City, in which 146 factory workers, mostly immigrant women, met their untimely and tragic death due to poor safety conditions within the factory. The incident triggered outrage and protests that resulted in the enactment of labor protective legislation in New York State. The exhibit gathers news reports, photographs, letters, interview audio files, monograph excerpts, investigative reports, political cartoons, and other documentation. Includes a list of victims and survivors and a bibliography. Presented by the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives at Cornell University in cooperation with the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE).

    UN21 Interest Group Newsletter
    The Law Library publishes and archives the newsletter from the American Society of International Law.

    Workplace Issues Today
    The Martin P. Catherwood Library at Cornell's School of Industrial & Labor Relations established Workplace Issues Today (WIT) in 1999 as a selective news center where faculty, students and interested public could go for the late breaking news on workplace issues. All news items are placed in a searchable archive in the hope that it can represent, in an abbreviated form, a chronology of workplace issues of major concern to the public. In addition, it should give some guidance to the researcher about the who, what, when, where, and how of the workplace over time. One can subscribe to the free e-mail service and get vital news about the workplace delivered to the desktop. WIT is published Monday through Friday mornings, except University holidays. Access is free to the public.

    Zentralblatt MATH Mirror Site
    Cornell University Library houses a mirror site of Zentralblatt MATH in cooperation with the European Mathematical Information Service (EMIS). The Cornell mirror established in 2000 is one of nine mirrors worldwide. Zentralblatt MATH covers the entire spectrum of mathematics including applications in computer science, mechanics, and physics. The database includes about 1.8 million entries dating back to 1931 and publishes about 60,000 new abstracts and reviews produced by more than 5000 scientists every year. References to the worldwide literature are currently drawn from about 3000 journals and serials, from conference proceedings, collections of papers and books.

    B. Services

    The Cornell University Library offers students use of leading edge technology at its CreationStation facilities that allows them to create multimedia presentations for class projects. There has also been a significant number of students from outside classes in which such projects are assigned who use the facilities. CreationStation facilities consist of high-end workstations, digital cameras, digital video cameras, scanners, quickcams and software for creating multimedia presentations. In addition to the original Creation Station library locations (Uris Library, Mann Library and the Engineering Library), a new location in the Physical Sciences Library is being added during Spring 2002. All locations have new equipment and current software, allowing the library to continue to offer high-end products and multi-media consulting services of value to faculty and students for whom such resources would be otherwise inaccessible.

    Digital Photographic Services
    The Cornell Institute for Digital Collections offers a range of digital photographic services to Cornell University Library units, including digital photography using a PowerPhase One digital camera on a ZBE Satellite copy stand, as well as flat bed, slide, and transparency scanning. Items that are not suitable for flatbed scanning because they are fragile, oversized, or warped are good candidates for digital photography. Some of the work currently underway includes the AD White Architectural photograph collection (http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/adw/adw.asp), pages from Petrach manuscripts and books, maps, and small artifacts.

    Electronic Document Delivery (EDD)
    EDD provides digital copies of journal articles or table of contents from materials in the Cornell University Library's off-site storage facility, the Library Annex. The digital copies are made available on a Library Web server for two weeks in the Adobe PDF format. The hardware component of this service consists of a 333 MHz Pentium II PC with an Minolta IMAX 500 imaging card and a standard ethernet card, a Minolta PS 3000 publication scanner, a Minolta MS 3000 microform scanner, a medium-volume laser printer, and a Canon 9000 fax machine. The PS 3000 is an inverted planetary (overhead) scanner that allows bound volumes to lay face up while scanning, thus providing greater convenience and speed for the operator and reducing physical stress on the volume. Software includes the Epic 3000 and the Microdax 3000 programs, (designed for use with the PS 3000 and MS 3000, respectively), as well as Adobe Acrobat for converting files from the TIFF format to PDF. Several custom scripts and shareware programs have been integrated to streamline the Annex staff's workflow. Eudora e-mail software is used to receive web form requests. A pilot project for campus wide EDD is planned for Spring 2002. Using the ILLiad system, Mann and Olin/Kroch/Uris Libraries will mount a pilot project with a campus wide implementation planned for Summer 2002.

    Electronic Reserves (E-reserve)
    The electronic reserve system is a service that uses the latest in image scanning technology to provide electronic document delivery. The system allows students to find, view and print course materials that have been placed on reserve by instructors. Materials in the electronic reserve system include journal articles, exams, course syllabi, problem sets and other materials. Material may be retrieved by searching by instructor name, course title and number, author, or title of the material. Using the Endeavor Image Server client, a campus wide electronic reserve system, which will allows Cornell students to access course reserve materials via the Web, was implemented in all Cornell Libraries at the beginning of the Fall 2001 semester. E-reserve materials were viewed over 81,000 times during the course of the fall semester.

    Finding the Law: Guides by Topic
    The Law Library authors a series of extensive research guides, including the "Foreign and International Law Sources on the Internet: Annotated," the "French Law Guide," and many other content-rich research guides.

    The Cornell Law Library annotates new law-related Web sites, creating a free e-mail subscription service and a fully searchable database, complete with key-words.

    International Association of Law Libraries (IALL) Web Site
    In cooperation with the IALL, the Law Library hosts the site of this international organization.

    LiveHelp: Online Chat Reference
    LiveHelp is a two-year-old digital service that lets patrons ask questions and get answers, in real time, from the reference staff in Olin and Uris libraries, Cornell University. While the service originated in Olin and Uris Libraries, a project to introduce it to libraries system-wide was recently launched. In February, Olin and Uris Libraries will launch a collaborative pilot project with the University of Washington in which Cornell will provide service to Washington users early in the day and Washington will provide service to Cornell users late in the day.

    Loaner Laptops
    Over the past few years, several units have offered loaner laptops to their patrons including Mann Library, the Hotel Library and the Engineering Library. Beginning Fall 2001, the loaner laptop services have been expanded by adding 30 wireless enabled laptops in Olin and Uris Libraries, and several more in the Physical Sciences Library and the Math Library. The loaner laptop services throughout the library system have proved to be very popular, and are enhanced by the new RedRover wireless system now in place, as well as by the expanded Net-Print public printing offerings. Demand in Olin and Uris Libraries for loaner laptops regularly outstrips supply even though a large number of high quality sit-down public productivity computers have been deployed, which were themselves similarly saturated with demand.

    Mann Library Table of Contents Service
    Members of the Cornell University community can sign up to receive by e-mail the tables of contents of one or more of the 285 journals housed in the periodical reading room in the Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University. The TOC's are sent as the new issues arrive. A broader-based service is under development (see My Contents under 'Projects').

    Music Listening Stations
    The Music Library's reserve music listening is available through networked, digital streaming technology. Access is provided through state-of-the-art computers, on a fast dedicated network, in a listening lab located in the Music Library in Lincoln Hall. Reserve music listening required for course work is made available to students through a familiar Web interface, affording a level of control and features not possible using traditional analog media. Future developments in the enforcement of copyright concerns may enable the Library's music listening reserves to be made available to authorized listeners in their dorms, apartments and offices.

    MyLibrary is an initiative to provide personalized library services to Cornell University students, faculty, and staff. Currently it consists of MyLinks and MyUpdates. MyLinks is a tool for collecting and organizing resources for private use by a patron. These resources may or may not be "official" Cornell University Library resources. Our patrons best understand this service as a "traveling set of bookmarks." MyUpdates is a tool to help scholars stay informed of new resources provided by the library. MyUpdates periodically queries the Library catalog to determine which resources are new and automatically notifies Cornell students, faculty, and staff via e-mail when books, recordings, networked resources and other library materials in the user's self-identified area of interest are cataloged and available in the library. The next module to be added will be MyContents (see 'Projects'). Following are the URLs for MyLibrary and for a more in-depth description of the service:

    Net-Print Public Printing
    New this Fall 2001, Cornell University Library implemented the Net-Print service throughout the endowed libraries, which uses Cornell-proprietary technology managed by Cornell Information Technologies (CIT). Using Net-Print, use of public printers is charged back automatically to Cornell community members holding valid accounts, and printout can be sent to any of the 82 printers across Cornell. All endowed library units received high quality networked laser printers in their public areas, with a total of 13 black and white printers and one color laser printer. This implementation strategically met the dramatic increase in printing demands as student patrons shifted from photocopying traditional reserve materials to printing on-line PDF files from a new E-reserve service (see above). Over 170,000 pages where printed in the Fall 2001 semester off 13 black and white printers. Some debit card-based systems (VendaCard) have been retained to meet the needs of non-Cornell community members. The ease of use of the Net-Print system, and its quality output, is allowing for a substantial reduction in the number of free citation-only dot-matrix printers available to the public.

    New Book Listings
    The New Book Shelf of the Albert R. Mann Library lists some of the titles recently added to the Mann Library collection. The list is updated approximately every two weeks. Users may browse the Title List to see the tables of contents of selected new books at Mann.

    The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL)
    TEEAL provides the full text -- complete with all graphics and illustrations -- of 140 agricultural journals, stored on compact disk. Designed to support agricultural research in regions where there is an urgent need for increased food production, TEEAL is being made available to 108 of the lowest income food deficit countries (as listed in the World Bank's 1998/1999 World Development Report). As of January 2002 fifty-seven institutions in thirty-two countries have purchased TEEAL sets. TEEAL is the result of historic cooperation between the Rockefeller Foundation, Cornell University's Albert R. Mann Library, and leading scientific publishers.

    USDA Reports by Subscription
    This is an e-mail subscription service providing quick and timely access to the agricultural and economic estimates that are available in the USDA Reports system maintained by the Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University. Through this service, subscribers receive the reports of their choice within three hours of their publication via email. This service complements the Cornell Library's USDA Report System.

    C. Systems

    The Cornell University Library is a development partner with Endeavor Information Systems Inc. on the development of ENCompass, a product designed to provide interoperability across digital collections as well to describe, index and search a variety of licensed electronic resources (i.e., provide �gateway� functionality.) For more information, see:

    In January 2000, the Cornell University Library installed Atlas Systems' ILLiad interlibrary loan system. Library personnel can now access all data about ILL requests in a searchable database. Patrons can get information about the status of requests through the Web at any time. Copyright clearance, which was previously processed by hand, is now automatically generated. Implementations of the last year include an electronic document delivery service that allows copies of articles requested through interlibrary loan to be delivered directly to patrons' desktops, as well as the ILLiad Lending module. For more information on ILLiad see:

    RedRover Wireless Networking
    New this Fall 2001, wireless networking was implemented Library system-wide [OaAH2]as part of a University-wide service, RedRover, managed by Cornell Information Technologies (CIT). Using the Wi-Fi (802.11b) wireless LAN standard, patrons are now offered Ethernet-quality connections (11 Mb) to the Internet throughout the most popular spaces without requiring network cables. As part of a University-wide system, patrons with wireless-enabled laptops can easily move between contiguously covered areas without any network disruption. Wireless capabilities have also considerably enhanced a nascent loaner laptop service since all loaner laptops are wireless enabled.

    SunRay Thin Client Implementation
    After months of investigation and preparation, Cornell University Library is scheduling its first public SunRay implementation for Spring 2002 with six SunRays near Olin Library's reference area. The SunRays will initially serve as dedicated OPACs, complementing the growing number of high-end traditional Windows computers made available to patrons. Contingent on the results of further technical evaluations, public SunRay implementation is expected to be modestly extended into other library units during the course of the year.

    Voyager 2000
    The Cornell University Library's library management system is Endeavor Information Systems Inc.'s Voyager 2000. To access the library catalog visit the Library Gateway:

    II. Projects and Programs

    A. Projects

    A. D. White Collection of Architectural Photographs
    The Andrew Dickson White Architectural Photographs document a wide range of 19th- and early 20th-century architecture of Europe, the Middle East and the Americas, including structures, panoramas and habitats that have vanished due to wars and urban development. The images also represent the work of important photographers, such as William James Stillman, the Bisson Fr�res, Felix Bonfils and Edouard-Denis Baldus. The collection has received substantive curatorial attention and conservation treatment since September, 1999, when it was awarded a grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation. The 13,000 photographs that comprise the A. D. White Photographs Collection are now being catalogued and digitized and offered to the public via Luna Insight's Browser Insight(r) II software. The project is a collaboration of the Department of Preservation & Conservation, the Cornell Institute for Digital Collections and the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections. A web site offers further details about the collection and project, and features the searchable image database:

    Mann Library has developed a system that converts raw statistical data with a geographic component into a database structure, and then extracts the data so it can be rendered in a variety of map formats. In the present pilot phase of the system, AgMaps covers crop data provided by Mann's USDA Economics and Statistical System (ESS). For example, with AgMaps a user can establish search criteria that queries a data file in the ESS and returns results showing total yield of wheat in select counties of New York State. The user can then display the results in three different ways: as a simple web page, a data format that can be used in a spreadsheet, or a thematic map of the state with a color-coded classification system for each county.

    Central Depository for Digital Collections
    Cornell University Library has produced the first of a two-part report on depository guidelines for digital image materials. This work has been funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services. The first section outlines requirements for those wishing to transfer digital image resources to the central depository, and covers selection criteria, legal issues, technical imaging requirements, metadata, and storage (http://www.library.cornell.edu/imls/). A research team, with the assistance of an advisory committee, is now working to develop a detailed description of the role, responsibilities, and resources required to establish the Depository itself. They plan to have this report by early spring 2002.

    Claire Holt Collection
    The Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections has digitized 1,733 slides from the Claire Holt Collection. Claire Holt, a specialist in Indonesian culture, was a feature writer and art critic for the New York World. In the 1930s, she traveled to Bali, where she studied and became an expert on Balinese dance, working with Margaret Mead and other anthropologists, archaeologists, and cultural historians. She came to Cornell in 1954 as a Senior Research Associate in the Southeast Asia Program. She continued to do field work in Indonesia, with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1967, she published Art in Indonesia: Continuities and Change, introducing readers to the infinite varieties of Indonesian art, both past and present. The collection includes slides of Indonesia created for the Indonesian Arts Project. Subjects include art, architecture, ceremonies, landscapes, paintings, people, sculpture, textiles, and theatre. Many of them provide visual documentation for Holt's detailed notebooks of her trips to Indonesia, and portray artwork that may no longer be available in the original. The scanning for this project is completed; we expect to have the images available for viewing by the end of February, 2002.

    Cooperative Digital Reference Service Project
    The Cornell University Library is participating in the Cooperative Digital Reference Service Project, an international effort led by the Library of Congress and OCLC, which is intended to create a system of linked reference services. The Cornell Library has participated in the initial planning and all phases of this project.

    Core Historical Literature of Home Economics (CHLHE)
    Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (2000 National Leadership Grants for Libraries, Preservation or Digitization Awards), this two-year project will digitize the core historical literature of home economics. CHLHE will be a core electronic collection of texts on home economics published between the mid-nineteenth century and the mid-twentieth century. Full-text materials will cover applied arts and design, food and nutrition, home economics, housing, furnishings and equipment, hygiene, retail studies (consumer studies), clothing and textiles, home management, child care/human development/the family, and institutional management. Scholars are selecting titles for this collection based on their historical importance. In the course of the project, the team will also explore integration with the Library's online catalog and interoperability with existing digital repositories at Cornell and define a set of model workflows for digital conversion and for capturing metadata for access and preservation of digital materials. The first material will be available in 2002.

    Cornell Genomics Initiative
    In support of an interdepartmental initiative to advance genomics research at Cornell, Mann Library is developing a federated thesaurus for a genomics digital library portal. The thesaurus will facilitate the discovery and retrieval of a wide range of genomics-related resources from Cornell and beyond. It brings together into a single database over 229,000 terms relevant to genomics, the life sciences, and agriculture from four leading controlled vocabularies (the National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings, the National Agriculture Library Agricultural Thesaurus, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization's Agrovoc thesaurus, and the Gene Ontology Consortium databases.) The independent structural hierarchies and relationships of each source thesaurus have been retained even as individual common terms have been combined, allowing users to assess the acceptance of a term and navigate easily through any one or all four source thesauri. Mann's thesaurus focuses on the human user's need to move from non-preferred entry terms to the appropriate controlled vocabulary, follow consistent navigation pathways to broader, narrower, or related terms, and link directly to the source of a term, to online resources such as PubMed and the European Bioinformatics Institute, and to resources associated locally with the genomics digital library portal. When the portal is implemented as a distributed model following Open Archives Initiative protocols, the federated thesaurus will serve as the source for self-coding resources that are submitted to the portal by individual and departments at Cornell and elsewhere.

    Cornell Institute for Digital Collections (CIDC)
    CIDC is a cross-disciplinary team established to explore the use of emerging technologies in providing greater access to cultural and scientific collections. Digital imaging has enabled CIDC to make many of Cornell University's rare and fragile collections available through the World Wide Web. Partnerships with academic institutions, museums, corporations, and libraries -- national and international -- have permitted CIDC to create digital collections from around the world. CIDC represents a unique collaboration among curatorial, instructional, research, technical, and managerial experts. It develops digital resources and supports their campus-wide use. CIDC also conducts applied research to test and evaluate the utility of such resources for the Cornell community as well as diverse global audiences.

    Cornell University Library Digital Development Web Site and Collectron
    Development of the Cornell University Library Digital Development Web Site and Collectron are efforts to meet CUL's goal of publicizing its digital library activities and resources to a broad audience and to provide a mechanism for collecting up-to-date information from staff working on these initiatives. The site is currently in a development stage:

    Cornell University Library Office of Distributed Learning
    The mission of the Cornell University Library's Office of Distributed Learning is to improve and enhance the quality of learning by supporting the curriculum needs for faculty and students who participate in distributed learning. The Office assesses the impact of technology-mediated instruction on various library functions and facilitates the development of system-wide services. The coordinator of the Office serves as liaison between the Library and other Cornell distributed learning stakeholders, seeking out internal and external collaborations. One of the goals of the Office is to explore the role of the Library in collecting, managing, and preserving digital course materials. The main site and distributed learning tutorial can be found at:

    Cornell University Virtual Linguistics Lab
    The Cornell University Virtual Linguistics Lab (VLL) is an initiative to create an online database that archives and organizes language acquisition data housed at the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab as well as 12 other national and international research partners. Mann Library is contributing to the project in two ways. First, Mann library is providing consultation in the areas of information technology and metadata. To be more specific, Mann is helping the VLL to become Open Archives Inititiave (OAI) compliant by assisting in the setup of the OAI derivative known as Open Language Archives Community (OLAC). Secondly, Mann Library is pursuing an experimental model and organizational framework -- known as the "Living Trust" -- for the acquisition, management, preservation, and storage of digital data sets collected by Cornell faculty and researchers.

    Developing Digital Libraries Information Web Site
    The goal of the Developing Digital Libraries Information Web Site is to provide a valuable informational and educational resource to librarians and archivists at institutions just beginning to think about digital library development. Supported by Endeavor Information Systems Inc. and based upon the content recommendation of Cornell's digital library experts in preservation, archival science, metadata, scanning and digitizing, intellectual property rights, and systems, a Web site is being designed and developed that will provide the information necessary for institutions to get off the ground with their own digital library projects and programs. The site will contain both information and links to further resources on all aspects of digital libraries.

    Development of a Distributed Digital Library of Mathematical Monographs
    This collaborative project of the University of Michigan Library, Cornell University Library and the State and University Library Gottingen was funded by the National Science Foundation and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. A realistic interoperable mechanism capable of unifying a single type of resource (retrodigitized books) within a single discipline (mathematics) across multiple access systems at multiple institutions will be developed over the course of the project. After a thorough evaluation of the effects and benefits, the system, if successful, will be maintained by the three libraries to allow users to access and exploit these collections in a new and more efficient way.

    Digitization Service
    With increasing demand from researchers and with the recent installation of a high-resolution digital camera within the Library, a feasibility study researching the need for and methods of providing an on-demand scanning service campus-wide was conducted. A working group to develop an implementation plan is being convened; the service is expected for delivery by June, 2002.

    EAD/XML Finding Aids
    The Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections is engaged in a major effort to convert about 1,000 paper or electronic finding aids to Encoded Archival Description (EAD), encoded in XML. The project builds on local encoding standards developed under an earlier experiment with EAD delivery options using XSL . Most of the conversion is expected to be completed in-house. For delivery, XML encoded finding aids are converted to HTML on the fly, using XSL style sheets. Further work will add guide avigation functionality and collection-wide search capability. For a list of the 96 guides currently available, see:

    Flower-Sprecher Veterinary Library Digitized Video Collection
    The Veterinary Library, in collaboration with the Veterinary College faculty, is in the process of gathering and creating digital video clips illustrating approximately 150 core clinical procedures and techniques that are taught in the Animals, Veterinarians and Society class and later used in treating animals in the students' clinical rotations. These clips will be made available to students and faculty through streaming video over the internet, providing instant access from any location throughout the college.

    IMAG/CU Software Project
    IMAG/CU is a shared university image catalog that incorporates collections from the Johnson Art Museum, the Rare and Manuscripts Collection of the Cornell University Library, the History of Art Slide Collection, and the Architecture, Art and Planning Slide Collection. CIDC administers the catalog using the museum collection management system Multi Mimsy 2000. CIDC also sponsors cross-unit meetings to develop common descriptive practices.

    My Contents
    MyContents will provide Cornell library patrons with a free, convenient, journal table of contents (TOC) current awareness service for journals in our collection in a wide variety of disciplines. Through one Web interface, patrons will easily and seamlessly subscribe to journals TOCs and automatically receive those TOCs by email in a consistent format of their choosing. MyContents runs on top of and adds value to common vendor TOC alerting services and is designed to work with multiple vendors at once. Guest access is available at

    National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Project
    The NSDL is a broad program to build a digital library for education in science, mathematics, engineering and technology. It is funded by the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Division of Undergraduate Education. In summer 2000, Cornell received one of six one-year Core Integration demonstration projects; the task of Core Integration is to ensure that the NSDL is a single, coherent library, not simply a set of unrelated tasks. Cornell's demonstration project is known as Site for Science. In late 2001, the NSF consolidated the Core Integration funding into a single grant for the production release of NSDL. This grant was made to a collaboration of the University Center for Atmospheric Research, Columbia University, and Cornell University. The technical approach that is being followed is based heavily on the experience with Site for Science. The NSDL Project is a collaborative project between Cornell University Library and Cornell's Department of Computer Science.

    Patron Self Check-Out Service
    Patron self check-out service is currently under development. The 3M Selfcheck system will be purchased for Uris and Olin Libraries for installation in the Spring 2002 semester. The Hotel Library has a Selfcheck unit which will be part of the Spring 2002 implementation. The special set up in Voyager System Administration and Security is underway and testing will follow. Patron self check-out enhances library service while maintaining security for library collections.

    Preservation and Digitization of Political Americana
    The Institute of Museum and Library Services is funding a two-year project to preserve and digitize a major collection of published material, ephemera, and artifacts from U.S. national political campaigns, and to make the digitized images and associated information available and searchable on the World Wide Web. The material dates from 1800 to 1976, with the greatest bulk in the 19th century. There are 7,000 discrete items in the collection, and the finished collection will be represented by more than 35,000 digital images.

    Project Harvest
    A planning grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation is allowing the Cornell University Library to explore the idea of creating permanent digital archives for scholarly journals. The goal of Project Harvest is to develop a model for permanent e-journal archives to ensure the availability of these important scholarly publications for the future generations. The first phase of the project will involve setting up a pilot archives composed of agricultural journals.

    Project Prism
    Funded by a DLI2 grant, Project Prism is a four-year collaborative effort between the Cornell University Library and Cornell's Computer Science Department to investigate and develop policies and mechanisms needed for information integrity in the context of a distributed, component-based library architecture. The key research areas include long term survivability of digital information, reliability of information resources and services, interoperability, security (the privacy rights of users of information and the intellectual property rights of content creators), and metadata that makes it possible to ensure information integrity in digital libraries. Project Prism is working on developing a preservation risk management program for Web resources.

    Projecting America
    Projecting America is a major digital initiative supported by the Office of the Provost, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. The aim of this broad-based collaboration is to provide the Cornell community with access to 10,000 digital images representing American visual and material culture of all periods. The primary audience for the project is comprised of faculty members in Colleges across the University who regularly incorporate images into the classroom experience. The estimated duration of the project is two years. CIDC is providing advice on creating and cataloging the digital resources, and will provide the shared technical infrastructure for the project (utilizing resources acquired for the Museum project).

    Samuel May Anti-Slavery Collection
    The Samuel May Anti-Slavery Collection gathers together over 8,500 of the important pamphlet and leaflets relating to the anti-slavery struggle at the local, regional, and national levels. Many represent the original copies held in the personal libraries of the movement's leaders. Sermons, position papers, off-prints, local Anti-Slavery Society newsletters, poetry anthologies, Freedmen's testimonies, broadsides, and Anti-Slavery Fair keepsakes all document in an intimate manner the social and political implications of the movement. Supported by the federal Save America's Treasures program, Cornell has cataloged and is digitizing all items (300,000 pages) in a manner that protects the originals while ensuring full capture of the text, illustrations, annotations, markings, and embossments. The electronic surrogates will be made broadly and comprehensively available via the World Wide Web through the ENCompass development project. Full conservation treatment is restoring these items to a useable state for current and future scholars requiring access to the original artifacts.

    III. Specific digital library challenges

    Establish a suite of services to support faculty development of digital resources: digitization, copyright, metadata, and technology consulting.
    As libraries increasingly become places where content (especially of the digital variety) is created and not just stored, we find that the services we need to provide are more writer-centered as opposed to reader-centered. Services that the Cornell University Library is positioning itself to provide to its users include copyright, metadata, digitization, and technology consultation.

    Establish a central depository and preservation service for digital image collections.
    Cornell University Library has produced the first of a two-part report on depository guidelines for digital image materials. The first section outlines requirements for those wishing to transfer digital image resources to the central depository, and covers selection criteria, legal issues, technical imaging requirements, metadata, and storage (http://www.library.cornell.edu/imls/). A research team, with the assistance of an advisory committee, is now working to develop a detailed description of the role, responsibilities, and resources required to establish the Depository itself. The establishment of a central depository is a major preservation service goal of the Cornell University Library for 2002.

    Implement the ENCompass digital library management system.
    Cornell University Library will continue to participate as a development partner with Endeavor Information Systems over the course of the next year to implement significant modules in areas of access and management of licensed resources, access to archival finding aids, and system-wide metadata integration for discovery and searching.

    Administratively reorganize the Library and implement an overarching Master Plan.
    Cornell University Library has recently undergone an organizational restructuring and a working group has been addressing a renovation plan for its central system libraries, Olin and Uris. In addition, the Library staff and management team have been undertaking the creation of a Master Plan that will guide its activities in the coming years. The digital library division is seeking an integration of all of its systems staff and, with central reorganization, has recently assumed direction of the Library's Office of Distributed Learning. This office will be aiming to establish broader digital library technology education programs for external constituencies and staff.

    Continue to evolve both wireless and wired networking programs.
    The Library will aim to continue a major implementation of wireless networking within the Library that was begun in the past year. In addition, it will be evaluating new wired technologies such as the Sun Ray implementation that is currently being installed in Olin Library for possible implementation in other units/sites. In the public printing arena, the Net-Print service serves explicit Cornell community members only and non-Cornell community members needs using more cumbersome services such as VendaCard printing. A more efficient, effective print service for these patrons must be addressed. Also, free citation-only printing needs to be evaluated. In public computing, we are witnessing a transition from offering patrons traditional, inexpensive OPACs (Online Public Access Computers) geared towards short term use which where "locked down" towards full-service "open" computers resembling the computing environment patrons may have (or wished they had!) at home. Patrons expect to be able to have access to facilities that allow for efficient and effective collection, synthesis and creation capabilities within the digital realm while visiting within the library's walls. Therefore, new public computers sport DVD and/or CD-RW drives, as well as fast process, lots of memory and basic office productivity applications. Public computers are also now not just stationary, but an increased number are loaner laptops that are regularly all being used. Service such as RedRover wireless may encourage patrons to bring their own computing device.

    Address the challenge of managing and distributing access to digital sound and moving images in a comparable manner to our current support for text-based materials.
    We retain this from our previous report as an on-going challenge. The steadily increasing size of sound and video collections (e.g., the digital video collection currently being developed by the Vet Library or music listening stations developed at the Music Library) presents storage, processing, and distribution challenges. Such collections are rapidly becoming commonplace and central to our digital library developments. To address this challenge, a Library-wide multimedia implementation team has been assembled.

    Please send comments or suggestions.
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