Yale University Library
Report to the Digital Library Federation
July 15, 2001
Collections, Services, and Systems
Projects and Programs
A. Collections
- Electronic Library Module
Yale is developing a centralized database for access to electronic resources. Journals lists are now created dynamically from a database, and individual librarians are able to target journals in this central database for appearance on subject pages. Readers can query the database by keyword or phrases in journal titles or interface or publisher names, and staff can additionally query the database by entry date. Work is currently underway on the next stage of this project, that of presenting on the web a list of databases from the Module and attaching management data for staff use to each entry for a resource.
- Cataloging Electronic Resources
Yale continues to catalog a significant and growing number of electronic resources. Our catalog currently contains about 17,000 electronic resources. About 7,000 are e-journals, 1,250 are e-books, and 275 are online databases. The remainder of the resources include government documents, websites, and miscellaneous e-items.
- Cooperative Cataloging Initiative: the Arts of the United States
Yale and the University of Georgia are nearing completion of a collaborative cataloging project for the digital images for the Carnegie Arts of the United States image collection. The Arts of the United States is a collection of approximately 4000 images representing the history of American art. Originally created as slides by the Carnegie Corporation in 1960, the images are presented here in digital form along with rich descriptive data for browsing and searching. The cataloging is being done in CORC.
THESISweb is a project to create a searchable database of Yale medical, nursing, and public health
student thesis citations with abstracts, allowing students and faculty to locate rapidly theses by year,
school, or subject, as well as conveniently read or print abstracts from a standard web browser.
Using Reference Web Poster software to put the data on the web also allows students or faculty to
download citations and abstracts into Endnote or Reference Manager. The Yale School of
Medicine Office of Student Research and the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine are
collaborators on this project.
- Digital Archives Project
Yale and Elsevier Science are participating in a year-long planning process for the creation of a digital
archive for the 1,100 journals published electronically by Elsevier Science. The project expects to realize a model archive within two years and looks to a future in which scientists and scholars will be assured that today's publications will be available decades from now. The project will investigate the uses a digital archive supports and the extent to which it is possible to differentiate between content-the long-term integrity of which must be preserved-and the options for rendering and using that content. The plan for a library-based archive of the digital publications of Elsevier Science will include the business arrangements necessary for maintaining the archive over time. The one-year planning work is supported by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- ArtSTOR initiative
Max Marmor, head of the Art Library and a DLF fellow, is working with the DLF and the Mellon Foundation on collection strategies for the Mellon's ArtSTOR initiative.
- ARL E-Metrics Field Test
Yale is serving as a field testing site for the ARL E-Metrics Project. We will be testing new performance measures to describe electronic information resources and services.
- Digital Conversion Facility
Yale has created a new facility for digital conversion. Staff are welcome to use a Minolta PS7000 open book scanner , an Epson flatbed scanner, and many different software packages for electronic publishing and preservation projects. The departments of Preservation, Manuscripts and Archives, and Electronic Collections are partners in this project.
- Alice Prochaska, currently Director of Special Collections at the British Library, has been appointed as University Librarian beginning August 1, 2001.

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