Harvard University
Report to the Digital Library Federation
July 15, 2000
Collections, Services, and Systems
Projects and Programs
- Online Archival Search Information System (OASIS)
OASIS is a union catalog of EAD (Encoded Archival Description) finding aids, providing access to information about the University's archival collections. More information is available at http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/html/oasis.html and the catalog is located at http://findingaids.harvard.edu/
- Visual Information Access (VIA)
VIA is a union catalog of visual resources (photographs, prints, drawings, paintings, etc.) held by Harvard libraries, archives, and museums. More information is available at http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/html/via.html and the catalog is available at http://via.harvard.edu:748/html/VIA.html. OLIVIA is a cataloging system developed for creating and maintaining visual resource records for export to VIA. This is an in-house client, but information about OLIVIA can be found at http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/html/olivia.html
- Digital Repository Services (DRS)
DRS is a set of central repository services that will offer storage and access management to the Harvard community for digital materials (including images, textual documents, sound files, and multimedia objects). Information about the DRS is located at http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/html/repository.html
- Common Access Management Service
A service that will be available to all of the Digital Library Systems at the University. Information about the service is provided at: http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/html/access_management.html
- Name Resolution Service (NRS)
A service developed for owners of digital objects at the University. NRS provides digital objects with persistent, location-independent identifiers to ensure long-term access regardless of the object's physical location, which may change over time. More information about this service may be found at http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/html/repository.html
- Ereserves
This web-based system for locating and delivering digitized course reserves material to students is available at http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/html/ereserves.html
Countway Library of Medicine at Harvard University is participating in the beta test for the SFX reference linking system. For more information about SFX visit http://www.sfxit.com/
- Library Digital Initiative (LDI)
LDI launched in July 1998 as a five-year program to develop the University's capacity to manage digital information. LDI is completing its second year. Information about the program including the first year annual report is available on the web site at http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi
- Internal Challenge Grant Program
To date, Harvard University has funded nine projects to contribute collections to the Library Digital Initiative through an Internal Challenge Grant Program. Descriptions of the projects along with URL's will be provided in the Collections, Services and Systems section of the DLF report as the projects go on-line,. More information on the Grant Program can be found at http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/html/grants.html
- Advisory Services
One of the key components of Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative is Advisory Services that provide expertise and technical assistance to libraries, archives, museums, and research projects involved in collecting or creating digital resources throughout the University. Information about assistance in the following areas is currently available at the following URL's:
- The Virtual Data Center (VDC)
Harvard University Library and the Harvard-MIT Data Center are the recipients of a National Science Foundation (NSF) Digital Libraries Initiative award to support the development of a social sciences digital data library - VDC. More information is available at http://thedata.org/
To enhance the navigational system for our electronic resources, Harvard University is replacing HOLLIS Plus (currently at hplus.harvard.edu). Background and planning information for the new site exists at http://hul.harvard.edu/portal

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