In December 2000, in response to a call from the Mellon
Foundation, the Cornell University Library received a grant to
develop a plan for a repository of electronic journals in the
field of agriculture. The Mellon Foundation recognized that
solutions to the problem of preserving electronic journals can
only be solved if done in cooperation with the publishers. From
January 2001 through March 2002, the Cornell Mellon teamed worked
together and with the project teams from the other Mellon
planning grant recipients to deepen our knowledge of the digital
archiving problems.
Project Harvest, as the project came to be known, built on
Cornell's historic excellence in preservation in general and the
preservation of agricultural literature in particular. During the
course of the year we initiated a dialogue with a number of
agriculture publishers with whom we have successfully cooperated
on other projects. We sought to explore the conditions under
which a publisher might be willing to participate in a
subject-based repository. In addition, we surveyed specialists in
the field of agricultural preservation in order to determine the
requirements of librarians for digital archives. Finally, we
spent much of the year exploring potential business models for a
successful digital repository.
Cornell University Library has traditionally invested heavily
in preservation of all kinds. The Preservation program is one of
the best in the nation, with a staff of thirty involved in a
range of functions from fine restoration (four professional
conservators and ten conservation technicians) to digital
preservation where a staff of five is devoted to research and
applications. In addition, Cornell has a special mandate to
preserve agricultural materials in relation with the National
Agricultural Library and the United States Agricultural
Information Network (USAIN). Cornell's interest in research
resources covers a very broad spectrum. In addition, we are
interested in serving both the immediate and long-term user, and
have served as a de facto archive for content providers of
all types.
In short, the Cornell University Library is deeply concerned
with identifying and applying effective and efficient means for
managing research resources, in avoiding redundancy/duplicative
efforts, and in stabilizing materials to make them usable. This
is easier when resources come on stable, eye-legible media such
as animal skin, paper, palm leaf, even jade. It's more difficult
when the medium contains the seeds of its own destruction, such
as brittle paper, color transparencies, nitrate negatives. More
modern media, such as videotape and sound recordings, have very
short life expectancies. The problem is compounded when the media
is dependent on a playback device which in turn may be subject to
obsolescence. And, in the digital world, software dependency adds
an additional layer of difficulty. The rate of obsolescence can
be very fast — as short as a three-year window.
Technological obsolescence is not the only problem in the digital
world: more and more of the resources research libraries depend
on are licensed, not physically owned. A recent survey of Digital
Library Federation (DLF) members indicated that 40 percent of
their expense for building digital libraries goes to
Like other digital materials, e-journals are at risk from
ongoing technical, organizational, and economic changes. For
these digital assets to remain usable and valuable over time,
there must an explicit, recognized commitment to maintaining the
integrity of and ensuring the long-term preservation of
e-journals. A digital archive has a key role to play in this
digital life cycle by serving as a trusted third party for the
preservation of digital materials; by establishing a secure
repository that complies with accepted preservation policies,
procedures and standards; by identifying or adapting improved and
appropriate preservation practices; by supporting efficient,
economical long-term access that balances the potential of
developing technologies with available resources and required
revenues, as appropriate; and by providing a reliable, monitored,
maintainable infrastructure.
Preservation is also closely aligned with trust. The more
control over a source document you have, the greater the ability
to exert preservation measures. Research libraries have built in
redundancies in their physical collections with a good portion of
collection overlap. This would be difficult to duplicate in the
digital realm because so much material is licensed and to
replicate a digital archive at each site would be prohibitively
expensive. Thus, the idea of trusted digital archives comes into
Skepticism remains strong among research libraries and their
constituencies. Very few research libraries have withdrawn
hardcopy versions of materials accessible in digital form. A
recent survey by JSTOR of 4,220 faculty across the country
revealed there is a growing dependency on electronic resources
but continuing skepticism about their long-term viability. Nearly
78 percent of respondents indicated that hard copy versions
should be retained even if an effective digital preservation
strategy were in place, while 97 percent of respondents indicated
it was important for libraries, publishes, and other partners to
archive, catalog, and protect electronic journals.
Given this background, the challenge facing the Project
Harvest team was to identify what was needed to foster digital
preservation. Specifically, we sought to determine if the time
was yet ripe for the following:
- Technical solutions that retained flexibility and some
measure of reversibility.
- Cost-effective solutions based on sustainable business and
organizational models.
- The establishment of third-party archives that would be
trusted by publishers, users, and libraries. The goal would be
for Cornell to archive agriculture e-journals in a way that would
obviate the need for other research libraries to do so.
Furthermore, scholars and others would trust the
- The definition of an archiving solution that is verifiable
and auditable.
Much of the first part of the year was devoted to an internal
discussion of the nature of the digital archive that Cornell
would be willing to maintain. Two potential models on a broad
spectrum of possibilities were identified:
- "Dark" archive — A "dark" digital archive would be a
closed repository that would strictly control individual and/or
organizational access to the information stored under its
control. Bits would be preserved in the event that the publisher
no longer could provide access to the journal. The primary
function of the archive would be as a fail-safe bit
- "Light" archive — Conversely, a "light" archive would
be a repository that would allow individual and/or organizational
access to the information stored within. Access to the content of
any of these options may be subject to access restrictions agreed
upon by the publisher and the archive. Nevertheless, access under
some circumstances would be presumed, and an access system would
have to be maintained.
As we worked through business models in parallel with our
discussion on the level of appropriate access, we came to see
that the response to these issues would drive the design and
organization of the entire repository. Our initial analysis, for
example, suggested that a dark archive would be less expensive to
build and maintain, but it also removed any potential short-term
sources of funding. The contents of the archive would only become
of value if the material were no longer available from the
publisher. A light archive might be able to sustain itself as a
secondary means of access to the content. In addition, regular
access to the content in the archive would ensure the material
was still usable. (A dark archive, conversely, would need
elaborate systems to ensure bit integrity was maintained.) The
light archive, however, would have much higher development and
maintenance costs since in addition to storing and migrating data
as with the dark archive, an access, retrieval, and
authentication system would have to be maintained.
In the end, we concluded that Cornell should consider
maintaining a dark archive when an appropriate business case can
be made — namely, when someone is willing to subsidize the
costs associated with maintaining a bit archive. The bulk of the
Cornell University Library's efforts, however, should be devoted
to developing and sustaining a light archive for public access
with operational parameters to be set through discussion with its
publishing partners. The nature and degree of access will have to
be specified in agreements with our publisher partners and
CUL believes the following parameters are significant:
- The user must have clearly defined use of the intellectual
content of an electronic journal.
- Time constraints to access should be lifted with a "moving
wall" similar to the JSTOR model.
- All information must be searchable by common metadata terms:
author, title, publication, keyword, etc.
- Information retrieval should be defined at a common granular
level. At the least, a user should be able to search and retrieve
information at the article level. Also, the user must be able to
browse different levels of aggregation including article, issue,
volume, and title.
- Access must be assured following changes in publishing
organization ownership.
The course of this discussion led two team members to develop
the distinctions further in a draft white paper on the
Subject-Based Digital Archives (SBDA) Approach. A preliminary
report on this analysis was presented at the Fall 2001 DLF
Most of the other Mellon project recipients did their planning
around building archives for specific publishers. The
Publisher-Based Digital Archives (PBDA) approach focuses on the
distinctiveness of each publisher/journal. The SBDA approach,
however, would stress the commonality of content across the full
publishing spectrum (and beyond). Commonality supports and
encourages access, increased access promotes buy-in from content
controllers and creators, buy-in further increases access, and
revenue from access can be fed back into preservation. One way it
does this is by extending the "dark/light" dichotomy to metadata
as well. It recognizes that one can have dark metadata with dark
data; light metadata with light data; light metadata with dark
data; and light metadata with no data. The actual scenario will
depend upon the publisher. In certain cases, the ability to
search the light metadata alone may generate enough revenue to
support the maintenance of the archival system. The SBDA scenario
may have important implications for preservation as well.
Developed as a straw man during the course of the project, the
SBDA scenario held enough promise to warrant further work. The
idea is being further developed in a report for the Council on
Library Information Resources (CLIR).
Ongoing funding for any digital archive must be predictable
and also flexible enough to address future changes within the
partnership. Early on in the project we recognized that CUL and
its partners would have to take an active role in establishing
alternative funding sources which might include access fees,
grant funding, and endowment support.
As the project evolved, it became clearer to us that the
development and maintenance of a digital repository that would
meet the requirements of developing archival standards —
including the OAIS Reference Model[1] and the RLG-OCLC report,
Trusted Digital Repositories[2] — would be expensive. The
design and preparation of the system would be one of many costs.
As we learned from our partners working on Project Euclid, a math
journal publishing project, the ingest of complex digital objects
requires a degree of manual oversight and processing. In the
absence of an acceptable technical model for an archive, however,
it became impossible to accurately determine cost models.
The development of technical solutions for the archive was an
essential prerequisite for our business planning. The technical
model itself, however, needed to be shaped by business needs: the
best technical model in the world would not be acceptable if
there was not a business plan that could support it. This
chicken-and-egg conundrum was one the project never successfully
Metadata is a broadly used term. "Descriptive" metadata
records the content of a digital object, "structural" metadata
records the structural information about a data object, and
"administrative" metadata records the maintenance of the digital
object. Users, archive managers, and archive auditors require
metadata of all three kinds. CUL and the partners will need to
share metadata for the archive via a common interpretation of an
established standard. It became apparent to us during the course
of the project that these metadata protocols will need to be
implemented at Cornell in collaboration with other electronic
journal projects such as Project Euclid. As necessary, the
archive will modify metadata for local implementation, which may
supersede proprietary metadata. In the long term, metadata costs
for the archive must be minimized, and it would be expected that
the publisher partners would efficiently accommodate metadata
modifications adopted by the archival community. The project
would adopt content creation policies to capture requisite
It is possible the archive could store two formats: a
publisher's proprietary format for typesetting or publication and
an archival format with the emphasis on intellectual content.
CUL, in consultation with its partners and other archives, came
to believe ultimately that an acceptable archival format is
highly desirable. A common format should encourage uniform
archiving protocols and reduce the administrative overhead of the
archive. Ultimately, it is expected the partners will submit
files to the repository already in a preservation format,
reducing costs and errors associated with data conversion. The
archive will provide a reasonable time for partners to achieve a
coordination of formats with a goal of three years. One of the
most successful parts of the planning year grant, therefore, was
the dialogue that was started with Harvard and the National
Library of Medicine on the design of an Archival Information
Package (AIP).
With these general guidelines in mind, the project then turned
to a group of publishers to determine their perspectives on
third-party subject-based archives. A meeting with a group of
publishers was held in Washington, D.C. in September 2001.
Representatives from the American Dairy Science Association,
Academic/Elsevier, the American Phytopathological Society,
BioOne, CABI, NRC-Canada, Wiley, the National Agricultural
Library, and USAIN met with members of the Project Harvest team
to discuss the issues the team had investigated on its own.
At the meeting we identified a number of incentives that might
encourage a publisher to arrange for the maintenance of its
journals in a third-party repository. These included:
- Protection of assets, especially if the material has
continuing value as it ages
- Low additional overhead for the publisher
- Customer satisfaction
- Potential advertisement for their materials
At the meeting we learned that all the publishers in
attendance intend to establish their own archives. They saw
themselves shifting from focusing on the currency of their
content to developing databases of content of continuing value.
Retrospective runs of journals which in the past they had been
happy to leave in the hands of libraries become instead a
potential source of new revenues. Much of the discussion centered
on exactly what needed to be archived, and it became apparent
that the publishers by and large were much less concerned about
preserving the "artifactual" nature of the electronic document
than about ensuring that meaningful content is carried
It was clear during the course of the meeting that the
publishers and the librarians in attendance had different
perceptions concerning who should be responsible for digital
preservation. Librarians, as the survey (Appendix E) revealed,
want trusted third-party archiving. The publishers seemed unaware
that some of their customers do not believe that the publishers
alone safeguard materials.
Given their assumption that they would be archiving material
in order to support their own revenue streams, publishers saw
little need to pay to support a third-party archive. Likewise,
given their interest in potential new revenue streams from
retrospective holdings, the publishers were not enthusiastic
about "light" archives. A few would consider the possibility if
revenue generated was returned to the publisher.
The good news was that on a technical level there appeared to
be a real convergence in formats, with all of the publishers
moving to an SGML-based publishing system. Many were unwilling to
share the Document Type Definition (DTD) that they use — in
some cases because of anti-trust concerns — but all seemed
willing to consider developing as an output from their system an
AIP- or SIP-formatted document[3] — assuming we can come to some sort
of agreement about what each would contain.
An important part of all discussions of dark archives is
consideration of what trigger events might move content from a
dark archive into the open. The publishers were unable to come to
any common agreement over what might constitute a trigger event.
Some acknowledged that the passage of time might be one such
trigger event, but they were thinking in terms of centuries, not
the relatively short periods that are normally discussed.
It became clear to the team early on in the project that if
were to develop a repository that was to be trusted by other
librarians and scholars, we would need to know more about what
that community expected from such an archive. We therefore
conducted a survey of preservation officers at USAIN and Land
Grant institutions. The survey form is found in Appendix E.
The results of the survey were most revealing. Among the
findings were:
- 45 percent of respondents indicated the need for both print
and electronic copies of journals
- 55 percent of respondents indicated that e-journal already
substitute for print
- 84 percent of respondents would cancel print if a trustworthy
and reliable archive existed
When asked if they had detected a difference in content
between print and electronic journals, 22 percent said they had
noticed a difference, an equal percent said they had not noticed
a difference, and 45 percent said they did not know. As for what
a trusted repository should preserve, most of the respondents
wanted the archive to maintain the "look and feel" of the journal
as well as all the functionality that the publisher offered,
while a smaller group would be happy with just maintaining the
"look and feel." Most importantly, over 90 percent rejected any
single archiving solution, preferring instead that multiple
custodians or a third party do the work.
At the end of the planning year, Cornell University staff have
a much clearer sense of our own expectations of what will be
required in a digital electronic journal repository. The
important work accomplished during this first year in translating
the OAIS Reference Model, RLG-OCLC's Trusted Digital
Repositories: Attributes and Responsibilities, and the
various emerging preservation metadata standards into the Cornell
environment continues in two important areas.
First, much of the Project Harvest work is being translated to
Project Euclid ( and its
newest iteration, the Electronic Mathematical Archiving Network
Initiative (EMANI at, an
international collaboration for the preservation of the journal
literature in mathematics. Several compelling arguments developed
during the course of Project Harvest have led us to build the
Euclid infrastructure. Though several options exist, we have
decided that a subject-based archive can best be built around the
article rather than the journal issue. Project Euclid is
built around the journal article and therefore lends itself to
this sort of approach.[4] Further, Euclid's modular component
infrastructure as well as its support for OAI will make it
possible for us to include in the system items other than journal
articles, including gray literature, technical reports, and other
items that would be appropriate for a subject-based archive.
However, since Project Euclid was developed as a publishing
system and not an archiving system, we will need to add to its
infrastructure those elements that will allow the system to
manage and maintain archival information packages as part of the
system. We will therefore employ input from preservation policy
staff and programmers trained during the course of Project
Harvest to add the component parts to the existing system to make
Project Euclid an archival (as opposed to publishing) system
compliant with OAIS.
While we are excited about the development of the EMANI
project, the Project Harvest planning process also raised real
issues in our minds about the viability of managing national, and
even international, electronic journal repositories in individual
institutions. We were fairly certain by the end of the project we
could develop a viable technical infrastructure for the
repository. It was far from clear, however, that we could develop
a funding model that would sustain that repository. Publishing
partners were reluctant to either fund directly or indirectly
(e.g., through higher subscription costs) the maintenance of such
an archive; early investigations of a subscription model among
potential archive clients, while promising, still faced the
challenge of "free riders;" and the responsibility for
maintaining a repository for a discipline is something that no
institution should have to take on alone. Further work on the
SBDA model may lead to the conclusion that it could become a
reliable source of revenue for the archive. At the last meeting
of the Mellon participants, however, our attention shifted to the
planning process for the development of a central archiving
service. The recognition among the Mellon e-journal archive
planning participants that the function is best performed
centrally may be the most important conclusion of all.