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Spring Forum 2002

10-12 May

Draft summary program

Friday May 10th

NISO/DLF Workshop 0730 - 1330

On May 10, 2002 NISO and the Digital Library Federation will co-sponsor a half-day pre-standardization workshop to examine standards needed to facilitate the management of electronic resources. The workshop will be held in Chicago at the Wyndham Hotel. The workshop is free to DLF Sponsors and NISO members. Advance registration is required.

Plenary session 1. 1400 - 1530

Welcome and introduction

Winston Tabb, Associate Librarian for Library Services, Library of Congress and Daniel Greenstein, Director, DLF

Next generation interoperability

Opening plenary address by Robin Murray, President, Fretwell-Downing Inc.

Breakout session 1. 1600 - 1730

Collaborative interoperable full-text searching. Inter-institutional approaches to interoperability

Panel discussion with contributions from John Price Wilkin, University of Michigan Libraries; Perry Willett, University of Indiana Libraries; and David Ruddy, Cornell University Libraries

Assessing and supporting use of the digital library

Assessing user preferences for image delivery, Henry Pisciotta, VIUS Project Coordinator, Penn State University Libraries and Michael Pelikan, Technical Initiatives Librarian, Penn State University Libraries

QuestionPoint: Local touch with a global reach, Linda J. White, Digital Project Coordinator, Library of Congress

Saturday May 11th

Breakout session 2. 0900 - 1030

Next steps for open-source software in libraries

This panel discussion will address the possible next steps that need to be taken if open source software is to become a more viable option in libraries. It includes contributions from Eric Lease Morgan, Head, Information Access and Architecture Department, University of Notre Dame Libraries; Chuck Bearden, Library Systems Programmer/Analyst, Fondren Library, Rice University; and Joan Frye Williams, library consultant

Digital libraries in a scholarly information landscape

Breakout session 3. 1100- 1230

Integrating digital library systems and services within a library

Providing open access to UT Austin collections and services: Efforts in developing an interoperability framework at the University of Texas at Austin, Aaron Choate, Digital Collections Unit, Digital Library Services Division, The General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin

The GATT digital archive: The relationship between librarianship, technology, and diplomacy in the future digital library, Stuart Snydman, Digital Library Projects Manager and Chuck Eckman, Principal Government Documents Librarian, Stanford University Libraries

The Tamino XML database at Harvard University Library, Clare McInerney, Programmer/Analyst, Office for Information Systems, Harvard University Library

Integrating distributed digital collections of digitally reformatted monographs and serials

Panel discussion will focus on a registry of digital masters that is being developed jointly by OCLC and the DLF. Contributions will discuss the registry's origins and intended uses and supply details about its development. It will also introduce initial thinking about how the registry will be populated with information about extant digital masters and invite participation in the registry's development from DLF member and other institutions. The panel will also examine the benchmarks that the DLF has established for digital masters in order to examine their potential impact on digital library practices. Panelists will include Taylor Surface (OCLC), Daniel Greenstein (DLF) and others to be advised.

Plenary session 2. 1315-1400

Changing roles and responsibilities of the digital library

Report on a DLF-sponsored survey of digital library trajectories by Suzanne Thorin, Dean of Libraries, University of Indiana

Breakout session 4. 1400-1530

Digital libraries and instructional technologies

Instructional technology. Issues for the digital library, MacKenzie Smith, Associate Director for Technology, MIT Libraries

Instructional technologies and the digital library. Winning the right game, Bradley C. Wheeler, Associate Dean of Teaching & Learning Technologies, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

Title to be advised, Speaker to be advised

Tools and services as building blocks for interoperability

What makes identifiers persistent, John Kunze, California Digital Library

Assessing Shibboleth: Architectures, policy structures, practical technologies, and open source implementation to support inter-institutional sharing of web resources subject to access controls, Peter Brantley, New York University

Archivists' workbench. Tools for developing minimally conformant EADs, Bradley Westbrook, Manuscripts Librarian and University Archivist, Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of California, San Diego

"Birds of a feather" sessions. 1600-

Birds of a feather sessions offer forum participants an opportunity to exchange information and experience in selected areas, to identify possible collaborative activities, even to launch new initiatives.

Exploring prospects for developing a model legal agreements for acquiring permission to digitize materials, hosted by Joyce L. Ogburn, Associate Director of the Libraries, Resources and Collection Management Services, University of Washington

Libraries as publishers and/or collaborators in publishing, hosted by Maria S. Bonn, Director of the Scholarly Publishing Program, University of Michigan Library

Using OAI in digital libraries: the issues and the potential for collaboration, hosted by Kat Hagedorn, OAIster Librarian, Digital Library Production Service, University of Michigan

Preserving faculty web pages, hosted by Kody Janney, Digital Initiatives Coordinator, University of Washington Libraries

OCKHAM - an opportunity to share in the development and assessment of digital library architectures and key technologies, hosted by Martin Halbert, Director for Library Systems, Emory University

Sunday May 12

Breakout session 5. 0915 - 1045

Service and system approaches to interoperability

Digital library nirvana. An open systems framework, Daniel P. Johnson, Digital Library Technical Analyst, Indiana University Digital Library Program

Bridging the gap between library archives and scientific data collections: interoperability issues, John Helly, San Diego Super Computer Center; and Dawn Talbot and Susan Starr, University of California, San Diego Libraries

Managing information about journal subscriptions, Tim Jewell, University of Washington

Early look into digital library OAI harvesting services

This session will report out on digital library initiatives that are developing metadata harvesting services with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Papers will discuss technical, organizational, and consortial aspects of the very different services being developed by the University of Michigan, Emory University (in partnership with SOLINET and ASERL) and the University of Illinois. Contributions will be made by Martin Halbert, Director for Library Systems, Emory University; Beth Sandore, Associate University Librarian for Information Technology, Policy and Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne; and Kat Hagedorn, OAIster Librarian, Digital Library Production Service, University of Michigan

Plenary session 3. 1130 - 1300

Title to be advised, Deanna Marcum, President, Council on Library and Information Resources

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