This website is no longer being maintained as of June 2010.
For current DLF information please go to:
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DLF Forums

  1. Spring Forum 2009: Raleigh, NC

  2. Fall Forum 2008: Providence, RI

  3. Spring Forum 2008: Minneapolis, MN

  4. Fall Forum 2007: Philadelphia, PA

  5. Spring Forum 2007: Pasadena, CA

  6. Fall Forum 2006: Boston, MA

  7. Spring Forum 2006: Austin, TX

  8. Fall Forum 2005: Charlottesville, VA

  9. Spring Forum 2005: San Diego, CA

  10. Fall Forum 2004: Baltimore, MD

  11. Spring Forum 2004: New Orleans, LA

  12. Fall Forum 2003: Albuquerque, NM

  13. Spring Forum 2003: New York, NY

  14. Fall Forum 2002: Seattle, WA

  15. Spring Forum 2002: Chicago, IL

  16. Fall Forum 2001: Pittsburgh, PA

  17. Spring Forum 2001: San Francisco, CA

  18. Fall Forum 2000: Chicago, IL

  19. Spring 2000 Forum on Digital Library Organizations: Atlanta, GA

  20. Summer 1999 Forum on Digital Library Practices: Washington, DC


Please send the DLF Executive Director your comments or suggestions.

DLF Fall Forum 2002: Seattle, Washington

1:00 p.m., Monday, November 4th
1:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 6th, 2003

Seattle sunrise
Sunrise from the Hilton, Seattle, Washington

Hilton Seattle
1301 6th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 624-0500

Two days of presentations and breakout sessions on digital collection-building, preservation, e-book technologies, patterns of digital library usage, and library standards to promote the deep sharing and rich aggregation of content. Includes both pre- and post-Forum working group meetings.

DLF Fall Forum 2002 Meeting Summary by Jerry George

Web version | MS Reader version | Palm Pilot version

Full Program With Abstracts and Links to Presentations

Web version | PDF version | MS Reader version | Palm Pilot version | MobiPocket Reader

Images from the DLF Fall Forum 2002

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