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DLF Fall 2000 Forum on Digital Collections

This page provides access to a summary report on the forum and a list of forum presentations. Abstracts are available for all of the presentations that are listed, and powerpoint slides are available for some of them.

Plenary Session 1. Saturday 14:00- 15:30. Adams Room

Welcome and introduction, Nancy Eaton, Dean of University Libraries, Pennsylvania State University and Chair, DLF Steering Committee; Judith Nadler, Associate Director, University of Chicago Library

A distributed national resource... the whole, the complicate, the amassing harmony..., Lorcan Dempsey, Director, Distributed National Electronic Resource of the UK Higher Education Funding Council's Joint Information Systems Committee. Review the abstract or read the full presentation.

Plenary Session 2. Saturday 16:15 - 17:45. Holabird Room

The Open Archives initiative: Interoperability through metadata harvesting, Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information; Herbert Van de Sompel, Visiting Assistant Professor, Computing Science, Cornell University; Michael Nelson, Visiting Researcher, University of North Carolina and NASA Langley Research Center. Review the general abstract for this presentation, or read the individual presentations:
Powerpoint slides for Michael Nelson
Powerpoint slides for Herbert Van de Sompel

Breakout Session 1. Sunday 09:00 - 10:30

Collecting sound, video, and film. Wright Room

Digital Music Library at Indiana University, Gerry Bernbom, Director for Research and Academic Computing, University Information Technology Services, Indiana University; Jon W. Dunn, Assistant Director for Technology, Digital Library Program, Indiana University. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Planning Audio-Visual Preservation and Access for the Library of Congress, Carl Fleischhauer, Library of Congress. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

The Shoah Foundation's digital archive: A 180 Tera-Byte database for teaching tolerance, Sam Gustman, Executive Director of Technology, Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation. Read the abstract for this presentation.

Collection policy and strategy. Holabird Room

Policies, Practices, and Guidelines for the Digital Library, Maria Bonn, Digital Library Program Development Librarian, Digital Library Initiative, University of Michigan. Read the abstract for this presentation.

Configuring research collections around scholarly work, Carole Palmer, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Digital collection development: Who is doing what?, Abby Smith, Director of Programs, Council on Library and Information Resources. Read the abstract for this presentation.

Breakout Session 2. Sunday 11:00 - 12:30

Preserving Digital Collections. Wright Room

Web Preservation Project - Library of Congress, Cassy Ammen, Reference Librarian for Library Automation, Member Web Preservation Project Team, Library of Congress. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Benchmarking the preservation process. The case of electronic scholarly journals, Brian Lavoie, Associate Research Scientist, OCLC Office of Research. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Building the archives of the future: NARA's electronic records archives program, Kenneth Thibodeau, Director, Electronic Records Archives Program, National Archives and Records Administration. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Architectures and tools 1. Holabird Room

Authentication. The state of play, Ken Klingenstein, Director, Middleware Initiative, Internet2. Read the abstract for this presentation.

Let's Get Together: or, How to integrate library resources so our users can find them, John Mark Ockerbloom, University of Pennsylvania Library; Mike Winkler, University of Pennsylvania Library. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Plenary Session 3. Sunday 13:45- 15:00. Ballroom

The NSF National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program: Context, Vision, and a Progress Report, Lee Zia, Lead program director, Directorate for Education and Human Resources, The National Science Foundation. Read the full presentation.

Breakout Session 3. Sunday 15:30 - 17:00. Wright Room

Architectures and tools 2. Wright Room

Current and Wishful Architectural Practice, David Millman, Manager, Academic Information Systems, Columbia University. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

An interim solution for managing electronic resources at UT Austin, Ronda Rowe, Networked Information Resources Bibliographer, Collections and Information Resources Division, The General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin; Renulfo (Rue) Ramirez, Assistant Head Librarian, Digital Library Services Division, The General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin; Fred Gilmore, Senior Operating Systems Specialist, Digital Library Services Division, The General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

A Prototype for a Digital Object Repository, Thornton Staples, Digital Library Research & Development, University of Virginia. Read the abstract for this presentation.

Federating Digital Collections 1. Holabird Room

The EEBO Text Creation Partnership: A Digital Library Project of Historic Proportions, Mark Sandler, Collection Development Officer, University of Michigan University Library. Read the abstract for this presentation.

The CIC Wright American Fiction Project, Perry Willett, Librarian for English and American Literature, Head, Library Electronic Text Resource Service (LETRS), Indiana University. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

DLF image initiatives, Max Marmor, CLIR/DLF Distinguished Fellow and Head, Art Library, Yale University. Read the full presentation.

Breakout Session 4. Monday 09:00 - 10:30

Federating Digital Collections 2. Wright Room

Libraries Meet the World Wide Web, Diane Nestor Kresh, Library of Congress. Read the abstract for this presentation.

Building Primary Content: Virtual Collections at the Online Archive of California, Beverlee French, California Digital Library; Robin Chandler, California Digital Library. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Southeastern Native American Documents, 1730-1842, Jim Lloyd, University of Tennessee; Stephen Miller, University of Georgia. Read the abstract for this presentation.

Architectures and tools 3. Holabird Room

The EAD Codebook and Ebind: A Cost-Effective Model for Digitization, Christopher Prom, Assistant University Archivist and Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Archives. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Digital Media Collections Framework at NCSU Libraries, Caroline J. Beebe, Head, Digital Library Initiatives Dept, North Carolina State University Libraries; Deborah H. Westmoreland, Multimedia Services Librarian, Digital Library Initiatives Dept, North Carolina State University Libraries. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

Experimenting with e-books, Christine Ruotolo, Associate Director, Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library. Read the abstract.

Plenary Session 4. Monday 11:15- 13:00. Adams Room

DLF program update and review, Daniel Greenstein, Director, Digital Library Federation. Review the abstract, or read the full presentation.

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