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On May 1, 1995, 16 institutions created the Digital Library Federation (additional partners have since joined the original 16). The DLF partners have committed themselves to " bring together -- from across the nation and beyond -- digitized materials that will be made accessible to students, scholars, and citizens everywhere." If they are to succeed in reaching their goals, all DLF participants realize that they must act quickly to build the infrastructure and the institutional capacity to sustain digital libraries. The first DLF Annual Report provides a summary of information on activities for the 1998-1999 period. In support of DLF participants' efforts to these ends, DLF launched a publication series in 1999 to highlight and disseminate critical work.

The inaugural title of the DLF publication series; Enabling Access: A Report on a Workshop on Access Management by Caroline Arms with Judith Klavans and Don Waters is now available. The report addresses the issue of how to manage access to digital information that is sensitive, proprietary, or protected by copyright. A print copy (Pub79) may be ordered for $15 prepaid, including postage and handling. An abstract, pdf and full text versions of the report are also available.

The second title of the DLF publication series; Preserving the Whole: A Two-Track Approach to Rescuing Social Science Data and Metadata by Ann Green with JoAnn Dionne and Martin Dennis. This work reflects the Federation's interests both in advancing the state of the art of social science data archives and in building the infrastructure necessary for the long-term maintenance of digital information. The paper is especially valuable as a meticulously detailed study of migration as a preservation strategy. A print copy (Pub83) may be ordered for $15 prepaid, including postage and handling. An abstract, pdf and full text version of the report are also available. Full text will be available by July 1, 1999.

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© 1998 Council on Library and Information Resources

Digital Libraries