Tools for Academic Electronic Publishing
There are a number of new electronic publishing enterprises on
University campuses and within University libraries that
increasingly play a role in the contemporary publishing
landscape. In particular, there are attempts underway to leverage
established digital library infrastructure to support electronic
publishing and to develop tools and methods for the electronic
publication and distribution of scholarly content. These
enterprises seek to support the traditional constructs of journal
and monographic publication in an online environment, and to
publish scholarly work expressly designed for electronic
For many of these initiatives, this is new territory, in terms
of both mission and methods, and this a formative moment where
there are many common problems and few common solutions. This
meeting will take place under the aegis of the Digital Library
Federation and be attended by a relatively small number of
academic publishing practitioners that are developing electronic
publishing efforts The meeting will serve primarily as a venue
for sharing tools and technologies and for encouraging
collaborative development. Although inevitably such a forum
invites broad philosophical discussion of changes in the
publishing world, the focus of the meeting will be on sharing
approaches to supporting online publishing and on discovering
opportunities for collaboration.
Amongst the topics for discussion will be the development of
tools to support the submission and editorial process. Other
problems to address include the possibility of mechanisms that
allow at least limited output to print and mechanisms that
support subscriptions, charging and access restrictions. On
anther level, are issues of outreach to authors and editors and
ways of providing them with meaningful training and tools to
prepare their material for online publication. Finally, there are
significant questions about content recruitment and sources:
Should libraries be in the business of recruiting content at all?
What rationale do libraries use for supporting publications at
particular institutions? As academic institutions should we
compete for content or collaborate on some logical division of
disciplines or institutions? What fruitful and pragmatic
intersections exist and can be developed between the work of
University Presses and the work of University libraries in the
digital arena?
This meeting will take place over a one and a half day period
, blending presentation and discussion, and will consider the
components of publishing and changes in those components in the
electronic era. Time will also be reserved for demonstration of
tools and products from the participants and for some explanation
of the nature of the various publishing efforts. The meeting will
conclude with some synthetic thinking led by DLF -- about ways in
which these new publishing initiatives can work together on
common problems. Throughout its focus will remain on tools,
methods, and possibilities for collaboration, and the sessions
will be structured to support this.
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