TEI Header Examples

This example was given by the University of Michigan Library. It is a very small work from the "Making of America" project. The example illustrates that the emphasis in "Level 1" texts is on the descriptive and administrative metadata contained in the <teiHeader> and conveying the textual object as a series of page images with loosely-encoded dirty OCR (usually not displayed) for searching.

To see what how this XML functions in published context, go here.

			<title type="245">The Wade-Davis manifesto. A last appeal to the democracy. By Caspar Butz.</title>
			<author> Butz, Caspar, 1825-1885.</author>
		<extent>4 600 dpi G4 TIFF images</extent>
			<publisher>University of Michigan Library</publisher>
			<pubPlace>Ann Arbor, Michigan</pubPlace>
			<idno type="dlps">ADG9061.0001.001</idno>
			<idno type="lccallno">E458.4 .B99</idno>
				<p>These pages may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for 
subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please go to http://www.umdl.umich.edu/ for more information.</p>
				<title type="245">The Wade-Davis manifesto. A last appeal to the democracy. By Caspar Butz.</title>
				<author> Butz, Caspar, 1825-1885.</author>
			  <extent>[4] p.  27 cm.  </extent>
				<note>Caption title.</note>
				<note>At head of title: Printed by order of the Fremont central committee.</note>
				<note>"From the German American monthly for September."</note>
				<note>"Messr. Wade and Davis ... propose to hold a new convention ... 
in order to trot out a new presidential candidate against Mr. Lincoln, in case ... [he] does not ... withdraw voluntarily ... 
We only know of one man, who ... can ... re-establish this Union, and his name is John C. Fremont.--p. [2], [4]</note>
				<p>Header created with script mrcb2teiutf.xsl on 2005-05-25.</p>
			<editorialDecl n="1">
				<p>This electronic text file was created by Optical Character Recognition (OCR). 
No corrections have been made to the OCR-ed text and no editing has been done to the content of the original document. 
Encoding has been done using the recommendations for Level 1 of the TEI in Libraries Guidelines. Digital page images are 
linked to the text file.</p>
		<langUsage id="eng">
				<term>Campaign literature -- United States</term>
				<term>Fr&eacute;mont, John Charles, -- 1813-1890.</term>
				<term>Lincoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1865.</term>