Examples are from Documenting the American South at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Compiled by Natasha Smith
FROM: Augusta J. Evans (Augusta Jane), 1835-1909
Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice.
Richmond: West & Johnston, 1864
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entire XML file)
Aye! the Phoenix lies now in dust, but one day the name of Aubrey will rise in more than pristine glory; and mine be the hand to resurrect its ancient splendor. <hi rend="italics">‘<foreign lang="lat"> Mens cujusque is est quisque</foreign>!’</hi> Menzikoff, who ruled the councils of the Kremlin in its palmiest days, once sold pies for a living in the streets of Moscow. <hi rend="italics">‘<foreign lang="lat">Mens cujusque is est quisque</foreign>!’</hi> I will owe no man thanks; none shall point to me and say, ‘He was drowning in the black, seething gulf of social prejudice, and I held out a finger, and clinging to it he lived.’
That article on <hi rend="italics"><foreign lang="ita">chiaro-scuro</foreign> </hi> has arrived at last; if you feel inclined, you can begin it at once.”
?????????Need another example here
FROM: Letter from John and Ebenezer Pettigrew to Charles Pettigrew, May 4, 1795
Pettigrew, John, 1779-1799
Pettigrew, Ebenezer, 1783-1848
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the entire XML file)
M<hi rend="sup">r</hi> Yergans family was taken sickly and his two boarders that he had board now at the Colledge. I believe there is 21 studying Latin, and 5 or six English.
FROM:Thomas Bluett. Some Memoirs of the Life of Job, the Son of Solomon,
the High Priest of Boonda in Africa; Who was a Slave About Two Years in Maryland; and Afterwards Being Brought to England,
was Set Free, and Sent to His Native Land in the Year 1734. London: Printed for R. Ford, 1734
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He has no Scruple about Fish; but won't touch a bit of Pork, it being <sic corr="expressly">expresly</sic> forbidden by their Law.
FROM: Abigail Mott, 1766-1851
Biographical Sketches and Interesting Anecdotes of Persons of Colour. To Which is Added, a Selection of Pieces in Poetry.
New-York: M. Day, 1826.
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<p>4. The art of writing she obtained by her own industry and curiosity, and in so short a time that in the year 1765, when she was not more than twelve years of <sic corr="age, she">age,she</sic> was capable of writing letters to her friends <pb id="p11" n="11"/> on various subjects. She also wrote to several persons in high stations. In one of her communications to the Earl of Dartmouth, on the subject of <hi rend="italics">Freedom</hi>, she has the following lines:</p>
FROM: William Hooper, 1792-1876
Fifty Years Since: An Address Before the Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina. From The North Carolina
University Magazine 9 (June 1860): pp. 577-611.
Raleigh, N.C.: The Office of the Weekly Post, 1860
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Have things <sic corr="improved">inproved</sic> there since that date?
<titlePage> should include the verso if present, divided with <pb n="verso"/>.
FROM: William Gilmore Simms, 1806-1870
The Sword and the Distaff: or, "Fair, Fat, and Forty." A Story of the South, at the Close of the Revolution.
By the Author of "The Partisan," "Mellichampe," "Katharine Walton," Etc. Etc.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo, & Co., 1852.
(see: the rendered HTML or the entire XML file)
<titlePage> <docTitle> <titlePart type="main"> THE <lb/> SWORD AND THE DISTAFF: <lb/> OR, <lb/> “FAIR, FAT, AND FORTY.” </titlePart> <titlePart type="subtitle">A Story of the South, <lb/> AT THE CLOSE OF THE REVOLUTION.<lb/> BY THE AUTHOR OF <lb/> “THE PARTISAN,” “MELLICHAMPE,” “KATHARINE WALTON,” ETC. ETC. </titlePart> </docTitle> <docImprint> <pubPlace>PHILADELPHIA:</pubPlace> <publisher>LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO, & CO.</publisher> </docImprint> <pb id="pverso" n="verso"/> <docImprint> Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by<lb/> W. GILMORE SIMMS, <lb/> In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the District of <lb/> South Carolina. </docImprint> </titlePage>
Tables of contents, errata, subscription lists, "other titles by the same author" should be included in a separate numbered DIV, as a <list> with <item>s.]
FROM: Edgar Allan Poe, 1809-1849
The Raven and Other Poems.
New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845.
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XML file)
<div1 type="contents"> <pb id="pviii" n="[viii]"/> <head>CONTENTS.</head> <div2 type="section"> <list> <item>The Raven . . <ref target="p1">1</ref></item> <item>The Valley of Unrest . . <ref target="p6">6</ref></item> <item>Bridal Ballad . . <ref target="p7">7</ref></item> <item>The Sleeper . . <ref target="p9">9</ref></item> <item>The Coliseum . . <ref target="p12">12</ref></item> <item>Lenore . . <ref target="p14">14</ref></item> <item>Catholic Hymn . . <ref target="p15">15</ref></item> <item>Israfel . . <ref target="p16">16</ref></item> <item>Dream-land . . <ref target="p18">18</ref></item> <item>Sonnet—to Zante . .<ref target="p20">20</ref></item> <item>The City in the Sea . . <ref target="p21">21</ref></item> <item>To One in Paradise . . <ref target="p23">23</ref></item> <item>Eulalie—A Song. . <ref target="p24">24</ref></item> <item>To F—s S. O——d . . <ref target="p25">25</ref></item> <item>To F— . . <ref target="p25">25</ref></item> <item>Sonnet—Silence . . <ref target="p26">26</ref></item> <item>The Conqueror Worm . . <ref target="p27">27</ref></item> <item>The Haunted Palace . . <ref target="p29">29</ref></item> <item>Scenes from “Politian” . . <ref target="p31">31</ref></item> </list> </div2> ... </div1>
FROM: Charles Colcock Jones, 1831-1893
The Siege of Savannah in December, 1864, and the Confederate Operations in Georgia and the Third Military District of South
Carolina During General Sherman's March from Atlanta to the Sea.
Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell, 1874, c1875.
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<div1 type="errata"> <head>ERRATA.</head> <list type="simple"> <item> <ref target="jones49">p. 49</ref> 18th line Hayward's . . . . . should be . . . . . <hi rend="italics">Heywards</hi>. </item> <item> <ref target="jones64">p. 64</ref> 13th line succeeded . . . . . should be . . . . . <hi rend="italics">exceeded</hi>. </item> <item> <ref target="jones85">p. 85</ref> 9th line mayor . . . . . should be . . . . . <hi rend="italics">major</hi>. </item> <item> <ref target="jones159">p. 159 </ref> 27th line 300 . . . . . should be . . . . . <hi rend="italics">500</hi>. </item> <item> <ref target="jones163">p. 163</ref> 20th line may orrequested . . . . . should be . . . . . <hi rend="italics">mayor requested</hi>. </item> </list> </div1>
Frontispieces should be encoded as a <figure>, within a separate numbered <div> and <p>.
FROM: ack Thorne, b. 1863
"Eagle Clippings" by Jack Thorne Newspaper Correspondent and Story Teller, A Collection of His Writings to Various Newspapers.
[Brooklyn, N. Y.: D. B. Fulton, c1907].
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<div1 type="frontispiece image"> <p> <figure id="frontis1" entity="thornfpa"> <p>Lavinia R. Fulton</p> </figure> </p> </div1> <div1 type="frontispiece image"> <p> <figure id="frontis2" entity="thornfpb"> <p>“Jack Thorne”</p> </figure> </p> </div1>