Does your library support distance education?
No If no, proceed to Question 6
Don't Know If don't know, proceed to Question 6
If yes, does the library support distance education in the following ways?
Yes |
No |
Don't Know |
a. |
Remote access to online resources
b. |
Interlibrary loan
c. |
Document delivery
d. |
Web pages
e. |
Web tutorials
f. |
Does the library work with faculty to plan support for distance education students?
No If no, proceed to Question 5
Don't Know If don't know, proceed to Question 5
What categories of students are served through distance education?
Yes |
No |
Don't Know |
a. |
Undergraduates in classes
b. |
Graduate students in classes
c. |
Doctoral students in the dissertation phase
d. |
Other students (please describe)
Does the library receive additional support from the institution for providing distance education services?
Yes. How many FTEs are assigned to support distance education?
Don't Know
Please supply any additional information about your institution, your library, or your digital library program that you feel may help to interpret your survey responses.
Most of the information gathered in the survey will be aggregated. With your permission however, in some instances we may wish to identify individual libraries for clarity. In tabulating the results of this data:
I give you permission to identify my library.
I do not give you permission to identify my library.
By checking this box I certify that my response to the previous question is correct and I understand that checking this box constitutes an electronic signature. Name of Digital Library Federation Member