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DLF Registries

A key role of the DLF is to facilitate information sharing amongst its members. In support of this, the DLF Office of the Director maintains a number of registry services that record information about members' digital collections, and their digital library activities, documented expertise, and events.

Services are maintained on the basis of information supplied by members in their Newsletter reports.

Available registries include:

Documenting the digital library

A web-searchable database of policies, strategies, working papers, standards and other application guidelines, and technical documentation developed by DLF members to inform or reflect upon their digital library development activities.

Digital collections

A web-searchable database of members' publicly available, online digital collections. Both registry databases are now harvestable using the OAI metadata harvesting protocol. To see harvestable records
  1. Go to http://oai.dlib.vt.edu/cgi-bin/Explorer/oai1.1/testoai
  2. Select "University of Michigan Library, Digital Library Production Service" from the scroll list
  3. Select "List Sets"
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the list.
  5. Select either Digital Library Federation -- Digital Library Documents or Digital Library Federation - Public Access Collections
  6. You retrieve a list of the metadata records

An OAI service provider would use the link from the top of the page, e.g., http://www.hti.umich.edu/cgi/b/broker/broker?verb=ListIdentifiers&set=dlfall: dlf, to run a harvester to gather these records.

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