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Dimensions and use of the scholarly information environment.
Question 7R [part 2]: Tables 119-180.
Digital Library Federation.
Copyright, 2002, Council on Library and Information Resources.

Table 146

R7a_13. When you are doing research, how do you find information about Photographs, prints and other visual resources?
������ That is, as you gather references and citations for your research, but
������ before you actually try to get the specific information?
Base - Responsibility is Research 205 94* 111* 205 0** 88* 83* 34* 48* 28** 55** 49* 12* 12** 1** 0* 127 77*
Ask someone to assist you 73 39 34 73 0 32 31 11 15 10 15 25 5 4 0 0 48 26
35.9 42 30.8 35.9 0 36.3 37 32.2 30.9 35.7 27.6 50 42.5 30.8 25 0 37.6 33.1
Go to print sources 99 61 38 99 0 30 46 23 24 15 17 31 5 7 1 0 61 38
48.4 65.1 34.3 48.4 0 34.3 55.5 68 49.1 53.6 31 63.6 42.5 53.8 75 0 48.3 48.5
Go online 159 78 82 159 0 68 61 30 39 22 49 29 10 10 1 0 97 62
78 83.1 73.6 78 0 77.2 74.2 89.2 80 78.6 89.7 59.1 85 84.6 100 0 76.4 80.5

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