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Dimensions and use of the scholarly information environment.
Question 4: Tables 36-56
Digital Library Federation.
Copyright, 2002, Council on Library and Information Resources.

Table 56

Q4GJ. SUMMARY TABLE: What equipment do you have in your office?
Base Faculty Member Graduate Student Faculty / Graduate Student Under Graduate Student Public Private Liberal Arts Biological Sciences Physical Sciences Social Sciences Arts and Humanities Engineering Business Law Undecided Major Male Female
Base - Total Respondents
Desktop computer (NET) 627 453 167 620 7** 236 226 165 89 147 179* 95* 33 80* 5** 0* 456 171
598 437 157 593 5 225 217 156 85 140 171 91 32 74 5 0 432 166
95.4 96.3 94 95.7 68.1 95.3 96.1 94.6 96 95.2 95.8 95.3 97.3 93 100 0 94.7 97.2
557 410 142 552 5 211 204 142 79 131 162 86 26 68 4 0 401 155
88.8 90.5 85 89 68.1 89.3 90.1 86.2 89.1 89.1 90.5 90.6 80.5 84.9 92.6 0 88.1 90.7
Aided L L L
41 27 15 41 0 14 14 14 6 9 9 4 6 7 0 0 30 11
6.6 5.8 8.9 6.7 0 5.9 6 8.4 6.9 6.1 5.3 4.7 16.8 8.1 7.4 0 6.6 6.5
Laser printer (NET) HIJK
559 405 148 554 5 208 202 149 77 128 164 81 30 75 4 0 406 153
89.2 89.4 89 89.3 77.3 88.3 89.4 90.1 87.1 87.1 91.6 84.7 91.2 94.2 92.6 0 89 89.5
Unaided K
123 86 37 123 0 47 56 20 18 25 41 16 7 16 1 0 81 42
19.6 18.9 22.1 19.8 4.2 19.9 24.6 12.2 19.8 17 23.2 16.5 20.4 19.8 14.8 0 17.7 24.6
Aided G
436 320 112 431 5 161 146 128 60 103 122 65 23 60 4 0 325 111
69.6 70.5 66.9 69.5 73.2 68.4 64.8 77.9 67.3 70.1 68.4 68.2 70.8 74.4 77.8 0 71.3 64.9
Fax machine (NET) F
488 368 117 485 3 177 178 133 65 111 143 71 24 70 4 0 359 129
77.8 81.2 70 78.2 45.5 75.1 78.7 80.3 73.3 75.5 80 74.1 74.3 87.2 88.9 0 78.8 75.1
Unaided B HIKL
37 18 18 36 1 15 17 5 9 8 9 6 1 4 0 0 27 10
5.9 4.1 10.6 5.8 16.1 6.6 7.4 3 9.9 5.4 5.3 5.9 4.4 4.7 3.7 0 5.9 5.9
Aided A
451 350 99 449 2 162 161 128 56 103 133 65 23 66 4 0 332 118
71.9 77.1 59.4 72.3 29.4 68.5 71.4 77.3 63.4 70.1 74.7 68.2 69.9 82.6 85.2 0 72.9 69.2
Scanner (NET) B HIKL
447 338 104 443 4 161 158 128 66 106 126 60 23 62 3 0 326 121
71.3 74.7 62.5 71.4 61.3 68.2 69.8 77.8 74.3 72.1 70.5 63.5 71.7 77.9 59.3 0 71.4 70.9
Unaided B K
56 42 15 56 0 13 29 14 14 10 15 8 4 6 0 0 36 20
9 9.2 8.7 9.1 4.2 5.7 13 8.3 15.8 6.8 8.4 8.2 11.5 7 3.7 0 8 11.8
Aided E I
390 297 90 386 4 147 129 115 52 96 111 53 20 57 3 0 289 101
62.3 65.5 53.8 62.3 57.1 62.4 56.9 69.5 58.4 65.3 62.1 55.3 60.2 70.9 55.6 0 63.4 59.2
Laptop computer (NET) B F K
353 263 84 347 6 131 130 92 62 82 100 37 21 47 3 0 272 81
56.3 58 50.5 56 81.5 55.3 57.5 56 70.3 55.8 55.8 38.8 65.5 59.3 63 0 59.6 47.5
Unaided IJK K K K K Q
138 97 38 135 3 52 50 36 25 27 41 10 9 26 0 0 108 30
22 21.4 22.7 21.7 47.9 22.2 22 21.8 27.7 18.4 23.2 10.6 26.5 32.6 7.4 0 23.7 17.7
Aided K K K IK
215 166 46 212 2 78 80 56 38 55 58 27 13 21 3 0 164 51
34.2 36.6 27.8 34.2 33.6 33.1 35.5 34.2 42.6 37.4 32.6 28.2 38.9 26.7 55.6 0 35.9 29.8
Palmtop or PDA (NET) KM
109 80 26 106 3 34 51 23 18 18 30 15 8 20 1 0 88 22
17.4 17.7 15.4 17.1 45.5 14.6 22.7 14.2 19.8 12.2 16.8 15.3 24.8 24.4 25.9 0 19.2 12.6
Unaided E I I
10 6 3 9 1 4 3 3 1 2 0 2 1 4 0 0 7 2
1.5 1.3 1.7 1.4 13.3 1.5 1.3 1.8 1 1.4 0 2.4 2.7 4.7 0 0 1.6 1.4
Aided J J
99 74 23 97 2 31 48 20 17 16 30 12 7 16 1 0 80 19
15.8 16.4 13.8 15.7 32.1 13 21.3 12.4 18.8 10.9 16.8 12.9 22.1 19.8 25.9 0 17.6 11.2
Other (NET) EG I
156 114 39 153 3 60 57 38 22 33 47 25 9 20 1 0 119 37
24.9 25.1 23.6 24.7 42 25.6 25.4 23.1 24.8 22.4 26.3 25.9 26.5 24.4 25.9 0 26.1 21.6
98 74 22 96 2 35 34 29 11 17 32 21 5 10 1 0 72 26
15.6 16.2 13.5 15.5 27.7 14.7 15 17.9 12.9 11.6 17.9 22.4 15 12.8 25.9 0 15.9 15
Aided I
62 44 17 61 1 27 25 10 12 17 15 3 5 9 0 0 49 13
9.9 9.7 10.1 9.8 14.3 11.3 11 6.3 13.9 11.6 8.4 3.5 15 11.6 0 0 10.7 7.7

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