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Dimensions and use of the scholarly information environment.
Question 13: Tables 549-580
Digital Library Federation.
Copyright, 2002, Council on Library and Information Resources.

Table 574

Q13B_13. And, in thinking of how well your current sources are meeting your
������� needs on this feature (Support), would you rate them as:
������� Excellent, very good, good, fair or poor?
Base Faculty Member Graduate Student Faculty / Graduate Student Under Graduate Student Public Private Liberal Arts Biological Sciences Physical Sciences Social Sciences Arts and Humanities Engineering Business Law Undecided Major Male Female
Base - Total 1391 426 427 853 537 546 375 469 190 242 404 251 55 191 15* 43* 791 600
Top 2 Box 499 140 142 282 217 189 132 178 71 75 150 95 19 67 6 15 280 219
35.8 32.9 33.2 33 40.4 34.6 35.2 37.9 37.5 31 37.2 37.9 33.9 35.1 40.9 34.9 35.4 36.5
5 - Excellent 136 42 35 77 59 51 35 50 17 20 51 20 3 16 2 7 80 56
9.8 9.9 8.2 9.1 10.9 9.3 9.3 10.6 8.8 8.3 12.6 8 6.3 8.3 12.5 16.3 10.1 9.3
4 - Very Good 363 98 107 204 158 138 97 128 55 55 100 75 15 51 4 8 200 163
26.1 22.9 25 24 29.5 25.3 25.9 27.2 28.7 22.7 24.7 29.9 27.5 26.8 28.4 18.6 25.3 27.1
3 - Good 612 181 202 384 229 251 161 200 89 110 173 105 24 82 6 23 343 269
44 42.5 47.4 44.9 42.6 46 42.9 42.5 46.8 45.5 42.8 42 44.4 42.9 38.6 53.5 43.3 44.9
Bottom 2 Box 233 81 71 152 81 89 71 73 25 47 64 46 10 35 3 4 141 92
16.8 19.1 16.5 17.8 15.2 16.2 19 15.6 13 19.4 15.8 18.3 18 18.5 17 9.3 17.8 15.4
2 - Fair 199 66 62 127 71 75 61 63 21 41 55 37 8 32 2 4 117 81
14.3 15.4 14.5 14.9 13.3 13.7 16.3 13.4 11.1 16.9 13.5 14.7 13.8 16.6 12.5 9.3 14.8 13.5
1 - Poor 35 16 9 25 10 14 10 10 4 6 9 9 2 4 1 0 24 11
2.5 3.7 2.1 2.9 1.9 2.5 2.7 2.2 1.9 2.5 2.3 3.6 4.2 2 4.5 0 3 1.8
DK/Refused 47 24 13 36 10 17 11 19 5 10 17 4 2 7 1 1 27 19
3.4 5.6 3 4.3 1.9 3.2 2.8 4 2.8 4.1 4.2 1.8 3.7 3.4 3.4 2.3 3.5 3.2
Mean 3.27 3.21 3.23 3.22 3.35 3.26 3.23 3.32 3.32 3.18 3.33 3.25 3.19 3.24 3.33 3.43 3.26 3.3

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