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Proceedings of the DLF Forum

DLF Forums are convened regularly for professional staff at member institutions. Typically extending over two days, forums host a variety of formal papers, panel discussions, and working group sessions that keep professional staff abreast of innovation while facilitating networking and community building. They also provide a venue for review of DLF initiatives.

DLF Forum on digital collections (Fall 2000)
A collection of papers presented to a forum bringing a variety of perspectives to bear on the development, maintenance, and use of high-quality digital collections and reflecting upon how these activities affect the library's organization and its institutional roles.
DLF Forum on organizational practices (Spring 2000)
A collection of papers (most supplied as Powerpoint demonstrations) presented by DLF member institutions reflecting on their experience organizing, managing, and funding digital library initiatives.
DLF Forum on technical practices (Summer/Fall 1999)
A collection of papers (most supplied as Powerpoint demonstrations) presented by DLF member institutions and reflecting experience with digital library architectures, systems and tools. Papers are organized thematically and address issues surrounding digital library applications of finding aids, authentication and authorization systems, digital repositories, naming systems, and page image navigation systems.

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