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Please send the DLF Director your comments or suggestions.

Archiving Electronic Journals

A Research Program Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Papers presented to an initial meeting of the program participants, 6 February 2001.

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Archiving Scholarly Journals

The meeting was convened by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation at the New York Public Library. The Foundation will convene a further final meeting toward the end of this one-year planning process. At the request of project participants, CLIR and the DLF will host additional meetings and workshops to facilitate joint exploration of common themes and challenges.

Ø Digital archiving in an international context: A UK/JISC perspective (Neil Beagrie, Assistant Director (DNER) Preservation, JISC Digital Preservation Focus)

Ø Harvard University Library E-journal archiving project (Dale Flecker)

Ø Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe. LOCKSS (Vicky Reich, Stanford University)

Ø Preserving Performing Arts journals (Barbara Taranto, New York Public Library)

Ø Yale/Elsevier E-Journal Archive Planning Project (Ann Okerson, Yale University)

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